Chapter 3 - In His Sights

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Conrad Walter muttered darkly under his breath as he sped through the busy city traffic, easily ignoring red lights and angry pedestrians alike. Hands clutching tightly at the steering wheel as he kept an ear on the automatic navigation system currently voicing out directions to the hospital his son was currently at.

The raven haired man had been powering through his last meeting for the day, when his secretary had burst in with news that his son was somehow currently in the nearby hospital. As if on autopilot the Walter CEO got to his feet, nearly knocking the office chair backwards as he rushed out of the room, ignoring the protesting board members behind him.

When his ringtone sounded through the speakers, Conrad angrily jabbed at the touchscreen, mouth twisting into a scowl.

"You better have answers as to why Michael was even out of the room Ryan,"

His assistant gulped, "From what the security told me it seemed like the young master got bored and wandered out when your secretary went in to place some papers,"

"And what were the security doing?"

"Well," Ryan paused, "It seemed as though the young master managed to evade them and eventually made it outside,"

The raven haired man swerved sharply at the turn, "Are you telling me that not one of our security staff saw my son just walk out the front doors of the building?"

His assistant offered no response to his question, a silent agreement at the words.

Conrad snarled, "Let them know they're all fucking fired and get the family doctor to the mansion,"

"Yes sir,"


"—even touch him! The brat probably lied and is laughing about it right now! This bitch is probably even playing along!"

"What did you just call my son?"

The sudden words seemed to cut through the shouts as everyone stared at the fast approaching raven haired man, eyes narrowed and mouth set in a firm line. It was apparent that the various nurses seemed to instantly recognize the man as they hurriedly parted, opening his path towards both the rapidly paling senior nurse and herself. With some of them even rushing away after whispers of getting the manager.

Lily reflectively tightened her hold Michael causing the boy to lift his head, staring back at her in confusion and worry, before it all disappeared as he caught sight of the man across them.

"Daddy!" The boy beamed, waving excitedly at the man from within her hold. The sudden motion cause her to stumble as she tried to re-secure her grip on the child. It was then that a hand clasped tightly at shoulder, acting to both steady her and to tug her closer to the man's form.

"Don't think that you're off the hook you little brat," The man spoke from behind her, reaching out to flick at Michael's forehead. Lily tilted her head as the suit-clad arm brushed past her cheeks. "You're in trouble for even leaving the room,"

The child pouted up father, tiny hands covering the spot he was flicked at before he abandoned it to wound them around the baffled brunette's neck.

"Mommy," he whined, oblivious to the growing shock on Lily's face. "Daddy being mean to Michael,"

Completely bewildered at the sudden moniker from the child, Lily moved on autopilot, raising a hand to pat comfortingly at the boy's back to calm him down. "Now, now, you were also in the wrong weren't you?"

Michael grumbled but nodded sullenly in agreement, unable to suppress a smile Lily raised her fingers to run them through his hair. "Then you should be good and listen to what your daddy says okay?"

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