Chapter 6 - The Proposal

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"You WHAT?!"

"Can you, like, not scream in my ear?" Lily bit out, her hands covering her ears. "You're literally next to me and I can't even hit you when you do this right now,"

Alice stuck her tongue out at her best friend, taking out another needle from the pincushion strapped around her wrist moving to pin the fabric of the dress Lily was currently modeling for her. 

"You knew what you were getting into, I told you I needed someone to help model the dresses. Yet you still went and told me that you just had dinner with the Conrad Walter a few nights ago." The blonde retorted, eyes still trained on the outfit in front of her, "why did you even go to the dinner? I thought you didn't want anything to do with the man?"

"That was the thing!" Lily nearly yelled out in frustration, "I didn't want to go! But Michael was staring at me with puppy dog eyes and I didn't have the heart to say no,"

Alice snickered at how defeated the brunette sounded, circling around to make the last minute changes towards the dress as she did.

"Figures you couldn't say no,"

Brown eyes glared balefully at her from over a shoulder, "Hey, you have no room to comment on me here. When you can say no to that child's puppy dog eyes then you can comment all you want."

The blonde huffed but didn't reply, something Lily took as a win for her side of the argument. "So then what happened?"

"It was surprising enjoyable," the brunette grudgingly admitted, "we talked about everything and anything, but we stuck with topics safe to discuss around children. In the end, they dropped me off at my apartment with Michael managing to make me promise to go on more dinners soon."

Although she had said it as a complaint Alice could easily the spot the smile tugging on the brunette's lips, indicating that she wasn't as annoyed about the issue as she was letting on. "You don't seem to mind though," the blonde pointed out, Lily bit her lip as she silently mulled over the situation and how she felt about it.

"It does seem that way doesn't it?" The woman accepted with a sigh, "honestly, I can't help it. The kid's really too cute for his own good,"

Alice eyed here with a knowing look, "You're already attached aren't you?"

Lily groaned, bringing her hands to her face, "I know, I'm so screwed!" She wailed slightly, lips jutting out in a small pout, "why does that jerk have such a cute kid?! It's so unfair!"

The blonde motioned for her to step down from the small platform she was currently standing before she shrugged as she stated nonchalantly, "then just marry the guy."

"I am not going to marry someone I've only met twice," Lily hissed, cheeks turning pink. "Besides, I barely know him and all I've heard about him is that he's rich and he's a player. Not exactly prime husband material is he?"

"Alright, you can go change now, I'll fix up the dress and get it ready for tomorrow," Alice directed, gesturing towards the small changing space a few feet away. Lily nodded, only stopping to grab her own clothes before she headed off to change, "What time should I be here again?"

Her friend hummed, a hand under her chin, "probably at 8 with all the other models, since you're going to have to go through hair and makeup as well."

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