Chapter 10 - Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Came the surprised squeak from the blonde, before her entire demeanor shifted right in front of Lily's eyes. The snarl on her face turning into a sultry smile as the blonde woman batted her eyes at the man standing behind her. Lily withheld the urge to move away, severely creeped out by how fast the other woman shifted her persona and wanted nothing to do with it. However, the hold on her waist kept her where she was, and with how her few interactions with Conrad had went, the brunette was relatively sure that one way or another she would have to deal with this whether she wanted to or not.

"I wasn't expecting to see you!" Blondie continued on, shifting ever so slightly to more prominently display the cleavage-exposing cut on her top. "How have you been?"

"I was having quite the lovely day until I heard your little comment about my fiancée here, Natalie," The raven haired man replied coldly.

Natalie —'finally, a name', Lily thought silently— flinched, shakily plastering a confused expression on her face. "You must've misheard, I never made any comments about her." She protested voice turning shrilly as got more and more nervous. "We were only having a small chat about you and our past,"

The Walter CEO arched an eyebrow in quiet dubiety, "Is that so?" he drawled as he turned to glance down at the woman next to him. "Have you been talking about me again, love?"

"As if," Lily retorted automatically, shifting in his hold as she readjusted her own hold on Michael in order to ensure that the toddler was comfortable. "I was just done with shopping when Ms. Natalie approached me, wondering why I didn't know about her. Something about you two having a history, maybe you're the one who has some explaining to do hmm?"

From the corner of her eyes, the brunette spotted how Natalie seemed to perk up at the mention of her and Conrad's past, seemingly taking it as her cue to begin speaking to Conrad once more. Lily plastered on a fake smile despite how she was internally rolling her eyes, she could not care less if the man was going around bedding other girls, however if he was going to sell their marriage he really would need to put in more effort. Because, really, public cheating scandals weren't the way to go especially when she added in his reputation of being a player. It had only been a few hours since her agreement to this whole scheme and the brunette was already heavily regretting it.


The quiet mumble caused Lily to look down at the toddler who had burrowed his face into the side of her neck. Brown eyes softened, and without much thought Lily passed over the shopping bag to the man next to her. Thankfully Conrad simply took the bag, shooting her a perplexed look as he did before he continued to respond to his ex curtly. With a hand free, Lily pushed away the boy's bangs from his forehead before she spoke softly. "Hi sweetheart, you feeling okay?" 

Michael nodded, pushing away at her hand to nuzzle back into her neck, his lips forming a pout that she could hear from his voice. "Hungry,"

The brunette felt her lips quirk up into an involuntary smile, pressing a brief kiss to the raven locks as she gently began bouncing the apparently hungry toddler. "I see, the baby's hungry hmm? Mommy is too, should we leave your daddy and go get the pizza I promised?"

There was vigorous nodding from the child in her arms, Lily practically feeling the grin that stretched on the boy's face. "Alright baby," she murmured. "You hang on tight and we'll get out of here to go get food yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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