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Were the first words the whole Karasuno team as they sat in a circle in front of Coach Ukai.

Various words and small excited shouts were interrupted as Coach Ukai yelled, "SHUT UP" while smacking the closest person to him, Tsukishima, with a rolled up newspaper. 

The latter glared up at him and at the others who were quietly laughing as he fixed his glasses. Yamaguchi covered up his laughs beside him.

"Since you have now beat up the 'strongest' team of the prefecture, other teams want to prove themselves as stronger, so they have reached out to us to..oh for fuck sake why am I about to say this..assert dominance" Ukai rolled his eyes at the last part, knowing that those were the exact words Nekomata had been shrieking about in their phone call.

"Anyways, we should take this as a learning opportunity since we have stronger opponents coming by, now go practice your receives" He finished and walked away to get the ball cart.

The team broke into small chatter, excited to meet their friends from other teams. Sugawara on the other hand, was quite worried, he stood up and jogged towards Coach Ukai and Takeda, interrupting their conversation.

"Coach Ukai i don't know if i'll be able to go to the training camp, my baby brother has no one to take care of him for extra time since the nanny leaves in a rush to her other job, and my parents are out working, and that only leaves me"

Coach Ukai and Takeda blinked for a few seconds, "you could just bring your brother to me" said Takeda, smiling gently.

"Oh I don't want to inconvenience you sensei, i know your busy with your work and planning things for us"

"It honestly doesn't bother me! I love kids and i don't have much work"

They went back and forth for a bit before Sugawara was convinced. He grinned and said his thanks to Takeda and bounced back to practicing, his thoughts filled with Haruto meeting everyone.

Practice ended and Sugawara waisted almost to no time before running out and changing, saying a quick goodbye to his teammates and skipping home.

He reached the house just as the nanny was walking out and waved at her, receiving a wave in return.

"Haaaaruuuu~~?" he cooed, peeking from the side of the door to see him turning around with a smile.

He walked up to him and picked him up from beneath his armpits, childish squeals ran through the air as he pressed kisses to the smallests forehead lovingly.

"Harrruuu~ your coming with me to camp" Sugawara grinned up at him taking in his curious expression with adoring eyes.

Haruto didn't understand what "camp" meant, but he didn't really mind as long as nobody tickled him and he was with his older brother.

"Oh god why are you so cute"



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