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One second he was walking beside the strange man that had taken him away, and the next he had gotten distracted by a cute little butterfly.

His big doe eyes looked around curiously at all the people walking around him, their eyes silently questioning why a random kid was sat on the street.

Harutos' lips quivered as the reality of the situation caved in, he was in an unknown place, with tons of huge people towering above him, and worst of all, his brother was nowhere to be seen.

He slowly picked himself up from the floor, stumbling a little before managing to grab hold of a lamp post. He pushed it off and started stumbling along.

His vision was a little cloudy thanks to the tears cascading down his cheeks, nose twitching and slowly beginning to turn red.

His short little legs started aching after a while, but he didn't know what to do so he kept walking. Eventually he reached a familiar building, the same building Takeda had taken him in and the same in which he was 'kidnapped'.

Sensing the familiarity, Haruto pressed his face against the glass door, it beginning to fog around his nose as he plopped down onto his behind.

A worker inside seemed to have noticed him staring inside like a maniac, gaining a worried look she opened the door and lifted him into her arms. Her brain was running miles a minute. 'How tired must I have been to let a kid walk out?' she deadpanned.

Haruto melted right in, the feeling of being held bringing him a sense of comfort. The worker brought him over to his previous pen before walking away.

Harutos limbs gave up, their work for today being finished, his eyelids fluttered as the building's heater kicked in, himself being swept away into sleep.


Sugawara's fingers shook slightly as he walked around with his phone out, the motion of pointing to his brother's picture being ingrained into his brain as he zoned out in worry.

Daichi who was following him could only stare at his back as he hurried along to the setter's fast footsteps. While Haruto didn't like him very much, for reasons unknown to him, he still cared a lot for the kid and his brother.

Eventually Daichi spotted the building where Takeda had lost him, he patted Sugawara's shoulder only to be shaken off. As they walked on, Daichi could only slow down and send a calculated look at the building before noticing he lost the setter.

He sighed, looking around with hooded eyes and shrugging before deciding to step into the building, a good detective inspects the last place a victim was seen first right?

He hummed as he looked around at all the colorful playgrounds, scanning over each kid in hopes of spotting a certain blonde one. When not spotting him immediately he fetched out his phone from his pocket and scrolled through, easily finding one of many photos Sugawara had sent him of Haruto. The one he picked out was one of Haruto sleeping on top of Sugawara's chest, head nestled into his neck.

"Excuse me" he muttered as he approached the front desk, the lady behind looked up from her computer and flashed a smile.

"How may I help you?" she asked, Daichi just held up his phone and pointed at Haruto, "have you seen this kid around?" he asked, voice low thanks to how exhausted and done with everything he already was.

The receptionist squinted her eyes before humming, "keep going straight and take a left, that's where the toddlers are"

Daichi nodded, thanking her before following her previous instructions., his eyes scanned over the fluffs of hair before finding a blond one, a very bright almost white tone. He peered over the penns fence and slowly shook the kids' shoulders.

Amber eyes blinked open drowsily, nose twitching indignantly as he turned. Brown eyes meeting amber.

Daichi finally smiled, exhaustion pulling at his temples as he picked up the toddler. Haruto mostly ignored Daichi, body loose as he sleepily scanned his eyes for his brother. After not finding him he reluctantly turned to Daichi, "Kou?" he asked, sniffling away the stuffiness in his nose.

"He's gonna come back soon" Daichi nodded, slowly rocked him, surprised at how compliant he was being, he quickly came to realise it was probably because he was tired and deadpanned.

He fished out his phone and scrolled through his contacts, finding several messages from Sugawara asking where he went. He tapped the call button and listened to the rings. After several rings the phone answered, "Daichi?" the voice of Sugawara filled his right ear.

Haruto lifted his head, eyes staring holes through the phone, "Kou" he muttered sleepily. Daichi didn't have time to separate the phone from his ears before hearing Sugawara's screech. Mumbles and frantic yelling came through the phone as Sugawara panickedly asked where they were.

Daichi smiled fondly and told them their location as he walked out of the nightmarish building, looking around waiting for the setter. Few seconds after he looked around he spotted the setter's hand waving furiously through the air as he ran, small tears staining his eyelids.

He finally reaches them and wraps his arms around both of them as a sob rips through his chest, Daichi pats his back gently, calmly shushing him. Finally the setter's sobs stop and he looks up at Haruto's small sleeping body, undisturbed by his brothers crying.

Sugawara hooks his hands under his armpits, lifting him from Daichi's body slowly and clutching him to his chest gently. His fingers run through his hair, the smallest's forehead being kissed repeatedly as Sugawara clutches him, slowly calming down.

Finally he brings a hand out and brings Daichi into the hug, small "thank yous" falling through his lips like a waterfall. Haruto shuffled slightly in his sleep, feeling constricted and peeked an eye open, instantly spotting his brother.

"Kou" he babbled sleepily, a yawn breaking through mid word. Sugawara just smiled, clutching Haruto into him and relievedly muttering,

"I'd be caught dead before any more harm comes to you" 

"I'd be caught dead before any more harm comes to you" 

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Thank you so much for everyone who stuck around! Sadly this is the end as I honestly have no other ideas for this story,  small one shots may be posted but its not confirmed.  I had tried adding more but it just felt too dragged on at that point so i decided something short and kind of sweet would be the best thing I could do. 

Again, thank you all for the massive support this story and all my others have gotten (if you haven't you should check those out, maybe, I really don't know) 

One last thing, a few more stories may be coming out in the following weeks, ill try my best to fully write most of them before posting so that I always have at least one chapter backed up and so that I don't suddenly disappear from the face of the earth again :')

Anyways, see you in the next one! 

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