Chapter 1

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No one's POV:

Itachi was walking along the road in deep thought. He was only 5 years old but his wisdom was practically on par with that of a Hokage. He was the top student in the ninja academy, and now he was going to meet his little brother

As he hurried to the hospital, Mikoto was holding a small baby and Fugaku was waiting for Itachi. "Itachi, meet your little brother, Sasuke!" Itachi looked at the small child, he had chubby cheeks and black hair. Itachi smiled and picked up the baby. Sasuke then fell into a deep sleep as Itachi cradled him. Itachi never knew this feeling of warmth because until now, he was a single child. Of course, people admired him because he was skilled in everything but he didn't know the feeling of warmth and "love".

As he was walking out and into the forest to train, his mind was in deep thought again. He wondered if he could carry the responsibility of being a big brother, and the future of the village and clan. "Life or death, village or clan?" Itachi muttered. "When life happens, death happens too, it's like a never-ending cycle." 

As Itachi got out his kunai knives, he started throwing them at the targets repeatedly, not missing a single one. "You're pretty talented for your age you know?" Itachi turned around to see someone who was a little taller and looked to be older than him. He had dark black hair, a sword on his back, and a brown bag in front. He looked like he was a genin because he had the leaf headband.

"Hi, I'm Shisui Uchiha." he took out his hand and smiled. "Itachi Uchiha." Itachi shook his hands. "So, you're that kid everyone talks about him?" Itachi frowned. "Hehe, I mean you're very skilled for a 5-year-old." Shisui then got out a kunai knife. "Here, lemme show you something." He took out the kunai knife, then hid it with his palm. A moment later he opened his palm again and four kunai knives appeared. He then threw the kunai knives and hit each target effortlessly. "You wanna try Itachi?" Itachi took the kunai and hid it in his palm. Then a few seconds later he opened it again and four kunai knives appeared. He then threw each one at the targets not missing a single one. "Hm, you sure are a fast learner." Shisui chuckled. He then gave him a thumbs up. Itachi couldn't help but let out a small smile. "I must go now, need to eat dinner," Itachi said. "Well, see ya then." Shisui waved as Itachi walked farther and farther away.

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