Chapter 10

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"Uchiha Shisui."

Shisui turned around seeing a jonin.  All four of them stopped in their tracks.

"Oh yeah, that's me. What's up?" Shisui probably knew it was going to be a mission, but he wanted to hang out. "Lord Danzo has called you in his office. He wants to talk to you. Please come along." The jonin said. Shisui hated it. Shisui hated how he spoke like a robot, having no emotion when he's speaking. "By any chance, are you part of the Danzo Root?" The jonin looked at Shisui in the eye."Why do you ask?" 

"Oh, I was just curious because you seem close to Danzo since he did order you to come." Shisui just wanted to hang out with Itachi, was that too much to ask for? "To answer, yes. I do work for the Danzo Root." Shisui had predicted correctly. It was always the people from the root who act like this, speak like this, and does not have enough space to store love. "Look, do I have to come, I'm busy right now."

"Did you not hear what I said Shisui, Lord Danzo is demanding you to come to his office, even if it involves force" Shisui just wanted to die right on the spot. "He doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to. If it's so serious then you should contact the Hokage first. " Itachi was fuming. He was finally gonna have some fun and be with Shisui but this person from the root just had to come and snatch his one and only. Itachi rarely showed any emotion to someone besides his close ones, but this time, he was pissed. "Uchiha Itachi. Did I ask? If I remember correctly I never even mentioned your name in this conversation. So dramatic and foolish. I expect something more from a genius. It's quite disappointing how the Uchiha compound raised you. Talent like yours and Shisui's should come to the Root, and not the mediocre Anbu."

Shisui was about to respond and swear, but he looked at Itachi, and oh boy. 

"It's funny how you say those words like your the most powerful out of us. I wouldn't want to take advice from someone who serves a person who abuses power and the leaf shinobi system. The fact that you are just a messenger in Lord Danzo's eyes just shows how weak and pathetic you are. You have no right to judge or criticize us when you're not even on the same parallel level with us. You criticize me for joining the Anbu and thinking it's a waste when the Anbu is the literal protection of the leaf village, your little foundation on the other hand is some forgotten thing, and nobody knows you guys except for Danzo. And to many Danzo is insane. A monster. So the fact that you serve him like that just makes you the pathetic and insane one out of all of us. The fact that you think you can even kidnap one of us is just hilarious and delusional. Any Uchiha could just slap you in the face with ease, you are just jealous of the power. Just like how Danzo is. That's probably why you're in the root."

"Sheesh. Itachi when did you learn how to roast! He probably needs a lot of ice to heal that burn." Shisui was crying with laughter. Sasuke and Naruto were just laughing on the ground. The jonin was embarrassed and angry. And Itachi, well Itachi was staring right into the jonin's eyes. He never felt this hatred, never have been consumed by so much red and black. The person was not only from the root, but he dared to criticize the Uchiha, the Anbu, the leaf's shinobi, and Shisui. The worse of it is that he praises Lord Danzo.

"hahaha.......hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAH!" The jonin laughed hysterically. Shisui looked at him. What he saw was not a person. But a psychopath combined with a monster. "Oh, Itachi. Of course, the prodigy would be like that. But I didn't expect to lose your patience so quickly. It's quite sad though. I wanted to spare you Itachi, but you just made it worse. You made this situation worse on Shisui. Ironically that's the person your defending."

"Shisui. Come with me. If you don't..." The jonin stared right into Shisui's eyes. And at that moment... Shisui.

"I'll go."

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