Chapter 22

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A hand reached out. The same hand that would always bring him back to light.

Shisui was always fast. Itachi knew that. He seemed almost untouchable. His heart could never reach him. So when he saw Shisui there, falling into darkness, all alone. The distance between them grew more and more. He was truly untouchable. His heart reached instead, his legs sprinting as fast as he could. He jumped to catch the only person who truly understood him. Who truly made him a better person. Someone who he fell in love with.

His hand catches Shisui's. Holding it tightly as ever. It was like he was holding onto his hope and dreams. Swearing to never let go. He promised himself not to let Shisui go alone ever again. 

"Itachi-" Shisui stared at him, his eyes full of sadness. 

"Shisui...please." Droplets came onto Shisui's cheeks.

"Let go Itachi. I don't deserve to be saved. I don't deserve to be with you." Shisui's eyes welled up.

"Don't! Don't say that! The village wants you to be saved. The Uchiha wants you to be saved. Naruto and Sasuke want you to be saved. I want you to be saved! I don't want you to fall into the darkness alone again!" Itachi screamed. He was pleading at Shisui with his eyes.

"After all I did. I deserve to be in the darkness. I know I caused you to pain Itachi. I caused everyone that. You were my light Itachi. You brought me back from the darkness, and I threw that light away." Shisui's voice was getting blocked by the tears.

"You made me realize what life was Shisui. You are my life. If you died right here, I would never forgive you. You would cause me more pain than ever. So please, Shisui, I'm begging you!" 

Shisui's other hand then clangs onto Itachi's other hand. Itachi then pulled Shisui up. Looking him straight in the eye. 

"I'm so sorry Itachi." Shisui's tears began to run down his cheek. "I've always loved you. You were the person that made me laugh, you were the light in my eyes, and saved me from the darkness." 

Shisui then looked at Itachi. "Oh- I mean if you don't feel the same then that's ok-"

Itachi lunged onto Shisui's lips. A smile was shared as their lips made contact, as their hand made their way to each other's waist and cheek.

Time always seemed to pass too fast for Itachi and Shisui, but right now, the moment was going to last for an eternity.

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