Chapter 11

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10 years ago: (By the way Shisui is 16 in this story, while Itachi is 15)

6-year-old Shisui was waiting for his papa to come home. To come home from war. 

"Mother, when is dad gonna come?" His big eyes peeping out of the window crack. "Soon Shisui, just be patient." His mother embraced his son, with a slight worry in her eyes. Shisui's dad has been gone for months now, and without their dad's company, things have gotten gloomy. Shisui loved his mother, of course. But it's just that father and son bond that makes it special.

Silence came afterward until a knock was heard. Shisui raced down the hallways and opened the door, much to his delight. "Papa!" Shisui hugged his father tightly. "Oh, my sweet baby boy! It's been a long time hasn't it." Shisui's mother came in afterward. "I'm glad you were safe out there Kagami."

After a nice home welcoming, Kagami decided to take his son out for a nice evening of relaxation. "You ready?" "Of course dad!" Shisui put on his blue Uchiha hoodie and his favorite pair of shoes. "Then let's go!"

The night was cold but filled with warm bright lights. The sky was as beautiful as ever. A deep navy color filled with bright little shining stars. The restaurants filled with people, and the smell of delicious food filled the streets. "So, how's it been at home when I was gone, did you behave?" "Yeah, it was alright. Mom took care of me but we missed you a lot. Nothing special really happened." 

"Oi, Kagami!" Someone behind them came over. "Danzo wants you to come to his office for a new mission in a few days." "Oh, I'll be there. Thanks." Kagami waved him goodbye and kept walking. "Papa, isn't Danzo from the roots?" "Yep! I work for him now actually."

Shisui frowned. "I thought you worked for the Hokage?" "Well, Danzo and I have talked before and decided it was best to work together. I gotta go now Shisui, tell your mother I will be home a bit late. You know the way back don't you?" 

"Yeah, I know." Kagami smiled. "That's my boy." With that, he disappeared. Shisui was left alone now. And he returned home with tears in his eyes. "Mother, papa says he's going to return home...Mother!" His mother was seen crying. To her left was a phone that was shattered to pieces.

His father wasn't gonna come home. He was and still is trapped in that hell-hole. And Shisui has to come. To save his father, hoping he was still the man he was before.

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