Chapter 8

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"So they're planning a coup d'etat huh."

"Yeah, I guess," Itachi muttered. He wasn't in the mood to be smiling.

"Oh come on Itachi, don't worry. We'll find a way for them to settle down peacefully. Plus, that frown on your face doesn't look good on you my friend."

Itachi looked at Shisui for a sec and smiled. Shisui was always full of "positive" energy and always made Itachi look at the brighter side. Itachi has gotten very close to him these past few months. And saying everything was fine was reassuring to him because it sounded like one of the promises he always makes. And he never fails to keep them. He was truly his one and only best friend.

On the outside, Itachi may seem like a perfect child, and most likely going to be the head of Uchiha and maybe even the Hokage. But those who truly know and understand him on the inside can truly become his friend.

"Well, how are we going to achieve tha-"



Itachi turned around to see a little Sasuke running towards him with a big smile. "Nii-San, I finally found you. What were you doing, what were you and Shisui talking about?"

"Uhhh, sorry Sasuke, but your just a bit too young to understand."

After hearing that, Sasuke just pouted. He wasn't too happy about that. I mean he wants to know what is happening and he also thinks he isn't a little kid anymore.

"Good grief Itachi, why would you not tell your own little brother? Here, I'll tell you Sasuke."

"Really!? You're the best Shisui-san!"

"Your big brother and I were just talking about who was stronger, I mean I know I'm stronger but he just won't admit it! You know who's stronger right, Sasuke?"

"No, you're wrong! It's true you are strong but my brother is stronger!"

"Oh really, I mean I have the Sharingan and I'm older than him, so logically doesn't that make me stronger?"

"Age doesn't determine a shinobi's strength. And my brother also has the Sharingan! Go on Itachi, tell him your stronger!"

Itachi just looked at Sasuke, making a weird face. He then looked at Shisui was secretly laughing at the awkwardness Itachi was feeling. 


Shisui just smiled as he watched Itachi and Sasuke talking. Whenever he sees these two, his heart just warms. Seeing the connection between these two and the love they share with each other as a family was just too wholesome. Shisui knew what the Uchiha wanted to do. He knew he needed to stop this because if he didn't, the Uchiha's plans were going to ruin families like this.

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