Chapter 17

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"Why hello there." A man with a mask came out of the shadows.

Shisui jolted up. He saw the mask and knew who it was. "Who are you?" 

The masked man came closer. "Name's Madara. I see you also are a fellow Uchiha. You thought I was dead or something right? I saw you kid, you have some crazy potential. You're like 14 years old"

"15, actually."

"Yeah, yeah. What's your name by the way?"

"Shisui. Uchiha Shisui."

"Hmmm, never heard of you but okay. Look, we need a person from a leaf to join our group. Specifically, someone who has hatred towards the leaf." Madara eyed Shisui.

First, Shisui thought Madara actually lived under a rock considering he didn't know that he was a friend of Itachi, who was the son of Fukagu, the head of the Uchiha clan. Well, he used to be a friend of Itachi's. Madara really was hiding from the world, he thought.

"What's this group?"

"The Akatsuki. The group that will take down every village. Well kind of. We're the group that people shall fear. You don't understand how much I crave being a bad guy again. The dude that sees me, and runs away in fear. You my friend is the key here. You are the gem of our group. You're probably the strongest person that will be in our group, at such a young age, you got the skills. If you join our group, I'll promise we will take down the leaf village first."

Shisui smiled. "As long as I get my revenge." 

Madara then took out his hand. "That's the spirit boy. Now come, I'll introduce my people. It's not much, but with you, it'll be plenty."

What Shisui didn't know was that he was stronger than Madara. That scared Madara, someone that was stronger than him. So not only did he want Shisui to join the group because he was strong, but to use him. To use this young prodigy for his own gains.

Inside Shisui, he was dying. He was pleading for forgiveness as he followed the man who struck fear in people's hearts.

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