Chapter 13

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"You're staying." Danzo looked Shisui in the eye.

Shisui gulped.

"Why! Get away from me!" Shisui's Sharingan burning red. It hurt so damn bad. It was like a fire was lit on his bare scalp. 

"Oh? What do we have here?" An Eternal Sharingan?

Shisui has a new aura. A strong powerful aura. His Sharingan was even more bright than before. What powers he had just possessed.

"Well, it looks like the event that just happened had just triggered both of your Sharingans."

Shisui was about to lose it.

"I'm going to leave, Danzo." Shisui stared right into his soul. Making him shiver slightly.

"Now, now. Don't be so hasty here. We can work some things out. If you don't, well, I guess the leaf village will just be destroyed."

"That's a bluff." 

Danzo chuckled. "Oh, how I wish it was. Unfortunately, I'm not. There's this group called the Akatuski. They're pretty damn powerful. They want to team up with us to destroy the leaf village. What they don't know is I'm not going to compromise. Sure, you can say the root and the anbu don't have the best relationship, but I don't want my spot as Hokage to be taken. And you, you will betray the leaf, and join the Akatuski. Or at least spy on them. Then we gather the information and destroy them. We don't want the leaf village to get involved. It would just cause more chaos. Plus, we need to gain their trust. The key here is you, Shisui. You're powerful as hell. As for my plan, it worked. The incident where your father didn't remember, triggered your eternal Sharingan making you even more powerful. So, help me out here Shisui The Teleporter.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Shisui had it. Why the hell are you telling me this!?!? I could easily kill you right now. I would never fucking betray the leaf, the village that made me feel like I mattered. Unlike my father or mother! Why in the hell would I join this Akatsuki group that is against them. You're just fucking using me as your pawn. Like all the rest of your people. To have the audacity to come up to me and say this shit, it's a fucking joke. The Leaf could easily destroy your little cult and the Akatsuki. How would the Akatuski trust me even though they probably most likely know I'm an Uchiha for the leaf village!?!?"

"So, you're considering it huh? Well to put things straight, if you don't join, the Uchiha Clan would also be in trouble. And I mean BIG trouble. Because you know who's the head of the Akatsuki? It's Madara Uchiha."

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