Movie AU-Naruto

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Suga:A movie?

Nixie:No, not a movie but more like some of you as actors in an AU, which is something I forgot to say earlier. An AU is an alternate universe, meaning different versions of you.


Nixie:AU's wouldn't be very popular if they didn't make Undertale.

Kirishima:What's that?

Nixie:Nothing, let's watch.

Kaminari:Huh, what we supposed to be thinking?

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Kaminari:Huh, what we supposed to be thinking?

Gaara:That looks familiar.

Gaara:That looks familiar

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Gaara:oh, that fight.

Lee:its weird looking at ourselves.

Shinobu:so, these are scenes are what they practically did, just movy version?

Nixie:yes and it's a movie, I forgot you aren't in the same universe for years.

Nixie:yes and it's a movie, I forgot you aren't in the same universe for years

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Sakura:Sasuke, you look good.

Tsuyu:...But, he looks the same. *kero*

Sasuke:we get along?

Nixie:i told you, your actors. So, yes behind the scenes you get along well.

 So, yes behind the scenes you get along well

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Kakashi: What's wrong with their eyes in the second one?

Nixie:that's they're real eye color in the first one they're just contacts and that's it, there's no more.

Sabito:that was pretty short.

Nixie: There wasn't much for this one. Let's see what's next.

*I look down at the buttons when the room gets lighter to see the red button no longer glowing. I shut my eyes and press a random one, when I open them, I had clicked a yellow one.*

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