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"Um, ajussi?" I asked, fear obviously tainted on my voice,

"Yes?" He smiled once again, how could this man kill a politician?

I turned to Jungkook in confusion, his eyes flickered my way, his lips pursed nervously and knuckles almost turning white from gripping the steering wheel, his eyes only told one thing.

Who is this man?



Jungkook abruptly moves the car into a curb and steps on the brakes. Lisa gasp in surprise and the man just frowned and shook his head shaking, he seemed incredibly nervous.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked, trying to stay polite, but the biting edge in his voice that Lisa heard doesn't exactly describe that. She doesn't blame him, she doesn't think anyone would favor the thought of having a murderer sitting soundly in the back of your car. The man just opened the door and made a move to get out of the car.

Why can't they just get in the car and not get in some kind of confusing, never to happen, one in million predicaments? 

"You won't understand, son, I would not like to get the cops onto you. I will leave." Jungkook just shook his head, disagreeing with him, Lisa pursed her lips in confusion, how could such a humble man kill someone?

"Then you have to believe me!" He said, the two idols grimaced, not really knowing what to say.  The man, on the other hand,  seemed to get more and more nervous as the time comes, not to mention fidgety. Lisa looks at Jungkook, then gets out of the car to meet with the man on the curb. Jungkook followed with an unpleasant frown on his face.

"Pl-please, believe me when I say this-I-I..." The man's trembling got worse and worse, Jungkook sent a concerned glance at him. He shook in terror and his eyes shone with unshed tears just daring to fall. Lisa can't help but worry, she figures that people don't just wake up and decide they want to shoot a politician right over the head, at least without demanding some kind of ransom, she wonders. He must have some explanation. 

"M-my little girl...." he muttered, reaching out to grab Lisa's slender wrist with shaky palms, Jungkook stealthily pulls her back back, a flash of confusion sparkles in his eyes. The Thai princess just glared and wrung her wrist out of his hold and stepped back to the old man. Cars sped past the three and Jungkook sends Lisa the same unsettling frown as before.

"My-y little gir-l....they took her away...." tears fell like waterfalls down the mysterious man's eyes. They streamed down his dark eye bags and wrinkled cheeks and the most sorrowful frown comes upon his face as choked sobs crawled out of his mouth. 

At that moment, both of the world-known idols knew that something was wrong. The man was literally bawling, and they couldn't be more confused. Jungkook hesitantly stepped forward and placed both his palms on the trembling shoulders that belonged to the man. His eyes shown with sympathy and respect. Lisa clenched his shirt between her fists anxiously. 

"Ah, Ajussi, can you tell us what happened? Your safe here, we'll protect you, just tell us what happened to your daughter." Soft, soothing patterns of sympathy and sentences laced carefully and intricately with everything but impatience or disrespect. Lisa nodded and soothingly patted his palm in hers. 

"My daughter, she was appointed to be secretary of his..." He finally choked out, Lisa's eye never faltered, something was definitely wrong, she knew it. The Ajussi sobbed and hiccuped, Jungkook let calming and soothing words flow out from his mouth. Every word completely sincere and coming straight from his heart. The tired old man trembled violently and fell to a crouch on the cement. Lisa gasped and wrapped her arms around the man immediately. 

"Ajussi, you should be happy about that," Jungkook murmured out, his hands rubbed the man's arms soothingly. Lisa bit her lip in confusion, she didn't understand, why would he kill a man for appointing his daughter for a job? Should you not be grateful? The man shook his head very fast, hiccuping and sobbing with a new unpleasant expression on his face. He looked straight into Lisa's eyes, and she knew that pain. 

The pain of losing the person you treasure the most.

She almost cried in confusion, why was he so sad? What happened to his daughter after being appointed for being the secretary of a middle-aged politician with a happy family and unscathed background? Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in thought over what must be the reason behind the ajussi's suffering. The man whimpered and wheezed as he fought down more sobs.

"No, no. He only wanted her body. Not her potential..." Jungkook's eyes shot up in fury. He tried not to clench his fists around the ajussi's arms harder, but the visible anger that flowed freely through his veins craved and pleaded to be let out. Lisa closed her eyes and almost whimpered in pain, the thought of what that man did to a young woman younger than herself sent shivers down her back. 

"He did it all, and he had it all recorded." He cried in sobs, Lisa bit her lip so hard she felt it bleed, the sweet, metallic taste rung in her tastebuds, only reminding her of the horrors of-she shook her head, no. A new form of anger, a new side she never knew she had engulfed her in her own flames of disgust and seething anger. Jungkook glared at the ground, his arms trembled on the man's sides. 

Why, would such a man, take advantage of such a young girl? She had done nothing but applied for a job. Can a woman not feel safe anymore? Is she not allowed to walk alone on the street and feel safe? Is this the future of woman? If he had a gun, he would've been the first to point it at the f***ing a**hole's head and watch the slow and sufferable death of his in pleasure and a sinister smile plastered on his face. 

Jungkook wanted nothing more than to kill him. And watch him suffer. For hours, days, weeks...

Lisa craved revenge. She craved the sight of the man kneeling before her in pleads to spare him of a dreadfully slow torture method. She was almost overjoyed to find out he was long gone. 

She wished him to be reincarnated into a mere ant, so she could squish him beneath her shiny, expensive, Celine branded stilettos. So he could never get even close to woman in his entire lifespan. Not if she could help it. 

"She ran to me, telling me of his threat of posting it if she told anyone. she was terrified, my baby, my Ye-ji..." His voice choked in sobs, "And when he found out I knew, he took his gun, and shot her upside the head..."

"Right in front of me."


️⚠️⚠️PLEASE READ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Please, please, know that this is VERY real in this world. As a girl, I have the RIGHT to be scared of walking home in the dark and alone. Since it is no longer safe for us to be alone. This is the world we live in. This is the disgusting things that happen EVERY DAY. EVERY. SINGLE. FU**ING. DAY.






I just want all of us to be safe.

I love ya'll so just know that I would do anything to keep you all safe regardless of genders.


- s t r o n g p o w e r t h a n k y o u

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