Chapter 5

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 "Yup. The villain Dabi is standing outside right now." I stupidly confirmed.

A few minutes later, Dabi entered the café. Todoroki made a move to get up, but I grabbed his arm from across the table, pulling him back down. "Wait, let's just see what he does, and after he leaves, we can call Aizawa or something to take him down outside. We still can't use our quirks, remember?" Todoroki sighed. "You're right. We don't want to go looking for trouble."

After setting his order at the counter, Dabi walked up to our table. "Hey Shoto. Shoto's girlfriend." I felt my face flush as I bit back a mean retort. "What do you want Dabi." Shoto asked, venom dripping from his voice. "Don't worry, I just want a calm little chat." Shoto got up and sat next to me, leaving Dabi to sit where he was, and in a way protecting me. 

"Ok, get on with it. We have until 4. And we're just friends." I stated. It was around 3:30 by now. "Ok, Shoto's 'just friend'" he said with air quotes, clearly not buying it. "Is there a reason for this, or do you want information from us." Todoroki interrupted.

"Jeez, so impatient. I just wanted to talk to my brother." We just looked at Dabi with this almost identical confusion on our faces. "What?" we said in unison. Dabi just rolled his eyes. "God, you two are so dense. Shoto, I'm your 'dead' brother Touya."

"Prove it." Todoroki said, his voice wavering a bit. Dabi sighed as he started. "Our father drove our mother to insanity. He trained you past your limits and abused all four of us. Mom poured boiling hot water on your face, forming your scar. And, I faked my death by burning in my own flames." I glanced up at Todoroki. He looked stunned. I put my arm on his shoulder comfortingly. "Todoroki, you ok?"

He teared up and ran over to his brother and engulfed him in a hug as the waitress bought over our orders. He continued, "I'm going to turn myself in, and possibly visit Fuyumi and Natsuo after my sentence is over." I smiled at the sight the sight before me. Todoroki just continued to cry into Dabi's jacket, glad to finally have his oldest brother back. Too cute!

"So... you gonna head to the police station or should I call Aizawa?" I asked after their moment was over. Dabi seemed to consider it for a second. "You could call Aizawa, Shoto's girlfriend." I gave him an annoyed look. "My name's Y/N." "And we're just friends" Shoto added on.

~Time Skip~

Todoroki hugged his brother one last time as he walked over to Aizawa with his hands up. Dabi allowed him to put the handcuffs on and take him to jail.

As we headed to the station to give our statements, I spotted someone. I immediately stiffened. Aizawa looked as if he had gone into protective dad mode.(#Dadzawa) Todoroki seemed to notice my sudden discomfort and pulled me by my waist to his side.

That just made Aizawa's dad mode intensify, but it actually comforted me. Without thinking, I rested my head on Todoroki's chest. (Shoulder, if you're closer to his height)

~Todo POV~

I noticed Y/N's discomfort and instinctively pulled her closer by her waist. What am I doing? I could almost hear Touya taunting me, "Not your girlfriend, huh?" I followed her line of vision and saw a man who slightly resembled her. Same skin tone and eye color, but his eyes seemed so much colder than her beautiful e/c eyes.

He strode over to us and Y/N seemed to shrink into me even more. I hadn't even noticed when she had rested her head on me. This felt.... right... Am I supposed to feel this way about just a friend?

Just as the man reached us, Aizawa stepped in his path, and spoke with him in hushed tones that I couldn't quite make out. Aizawa then used his scarf to separate and drag us to the interview room. The man, who I assumed was her father, was fuming as we left.


Aizawa acted as the good fatherly figure that I never had growing up as he used his scarf to pull me and Todoroki apart. I didn't like it, but it's better than what my real father would have done. We headed to the interview room (idk how this works) and sat down with Aizawa. 

~✨Another Time Skip✨~

After the interviews, we got in his car to head back to the dorms. I had pressed charges against my father, made my statements and such for Dabi's case, and Aizawa had gained temporary custody of me. I was still anxious. If Aizawa lost the case for my permanent custody, I would be back with my father once he served his sentence.

Todoroki once again sensed my discomfort and squeezed my hand. By the time we got back to the dorms, I had completely forgotten that we were holding hands. Still hand in hand, we stepped off of the elevator together. Practically the entire common room was staring at us with their jaws dropped. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Bakugo yelled.

Suddenly feeling self conscious, I noticed that we were holding hands. With him realizing at the same time as me, we both pulled our hands away awkwardly. But not before Mina got a picture of us as we walked in.

"Mina delete it." She started backing away with a playful look on her face. Then she bolted. "MINA GET YOUR ALIEN LOOKING ASS OVER HERE!" and I ran after her, leaving the class in shock.

~Todo POV~

After Y/N ran after Mina in full on rage mode, Yaoyorozu got up. "Yaomomo, where are you going?" Uraraka asked. "Just tired, that's all. I'll be down for dinner." she responded, sounding kinda irritated. I grabbed Midoriya's hand and pulled him over to my dorm. 

"T- todoroki-kun!" he was startled to say the least. "I think I like Y/N, as in more than a friend" I said, not wanting to beat around the bush. He looked at me slightly surprised. "Really? Well, I think she likes you too. She seems the most comfortable near you, and I've seen how she blushes when you guys are close." I knew I could trust Midoriya with this. "Thanks, Midoriya. Could you tell the rest of the dekusquad, except N/N (nickname)? Mom had come up with this cute nickname for her when we had both visited her earlier. "N/N?" He inquired. "Oh, right, Y/N. Its a nickname my mom came up with for her."

~After Dinner (Mina POV)~

I had felt Y/N- san glaring daggers at me all throughout dinner as I tried to avoid eye contact. Todoroki seemed to notice, as he leaned over to Y/N and whispered something in her ear. She blushed slightly and clamed down a bit, and Todoroki held her free hand, rubbing little circles on the back of it.

I silently pulled out my phone to capture the sweet moment, when Y/N rested her head on Todoroki's shoulder dramatically, clearly tired. He chuckled lightly before patting her head and letting her stay there with a smile on his face. Even better.

I quickly snapped the picture and looked over at Momo. She seemed jealous.. *GaSp* ShE LiKEd ToDOrOki!  My shipper heart can't handle this (T ~ T)

As I passed Momo's room, I heard her yelling in rage and ranting to someone about how she was better for Todoroki. I guessed it was Jiro that she was venting to. She started threatening Y/N, swearing that she'll make her regret the day she was born.

 I hope she'll leave them alone...

I feel like this story sucks T-T. But imma keep writing it since I kind of like the storyline so far. If you have any advice PLEASE tell me. This is my first story, I forgot to include that in the description thing. I don't really have any set plots for this story, but I do have my ships. 

For this story, we have:

Shinkami, Erasermic, Kiribaku, Izuocha, Minasero, Iidamei, Tsukuyami

If you are going to hate on the ships or start ship wars, you can leave. I don't want to deal with it. Anyways, not all of these are my number one ships, but they fit best with the story. Also, not all of these might come up. I need ideas. And can someone please give me something so that I know the reads aren't just me revising it.

Also, I'm going to skip the USJ attack since I have no ideas.

Yeah that's pretty much it... bye. And congrats on getting this far.

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