Chapter 9

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Oh he's so gonna regret this. We were planning to use our 'charm' to get the boys to allow us to put makeup and such on them. "Ok, so just meet us in the common area around 7:00." I said. "Ok" he responded. We're evil. *evil laugh* *chokes* *Continues evil laughter *... I'm weird.

~Y/N POV, Later that night~

"Ok girls, got everything?" Ochaco shouted from atop a table.

"Movies?" "Check" Jiro replied.

"Snacks?" "Check" Tsu replied.

"Makeup?" "Check" Mina replied.

"Accessories?" "Check" Momo replied.

"Blankets?" "Check" I replied.

"Games?" "Check" Hagakure replied.

"Good, now, to wait for the boys." Ochaco said deviously. "Don't forget the sparkles Mademoiselles!" Ayoama said, interrupting our little scheming session. He then proceeded to add sparkly makeup, clothes, and accessories to what we already had. "Thanks Ayoama! You wanna help us scheme?" I asked. "Oui!" We spent the rest of the time perfecting the sleepover.

~Sleepover Time!~

Once we got all the other guys downstairs, I created a wind barrier, so that they couldn't escape us doing their makeup. We weren't allowed to go outside of the building anyway, so I didn't bother to block that door.

Once we pulled out the makeup, Ochaco 'distributed' the boys amongst us, obviously giving me Todoroki. But I wasn't annoyed at her for that. I really wanted to see him with two tiny ponytails. There were more boys than girls, so the leftover boys had been watching a movie in the meantime. By the time I finished Sho's hair, he looked so CUTE. "Ok, now to document it!" I said. He played with them curiously as I took the picture.

(I HAD to find one, It's too cute! My heart is literally exploding right now TwT)

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(I HAD to find one, It's too cute! My heart is literally exploding right now TwT)

When we finished, it was safe to say that most of the boys were pissed. Denki, Midoriya, Kiri, and Sho were actually willing to do it for us, so their makeovers turned out the best. After dodging many enraged attacks from Bakugo, we sat down to play a game.

"Ok, how about we play 7 minutes in heaven?" Mina suggested. What! I thought I said no. Ugh, these bitches. Before I could even protest, Ochaco dragged me into the circle as Shoji spun the bottle. It landed on Ojiro, and 7 minutes later they were let out of the closet, not flustered at all. I guess they just talked. Then was Tsu, who landed on Tokoyami, then Koda who landed on Sato, and then finally Todoroki.

Momo and I were right next to each other, and it had started to stop by Momo, but then it landed on me. I could feel my face heat up as Midoriya and Ochaco pushed us into the closet. "We're not letting you out until you guys stop being such oblivious bitches!" I heard Mina shout through the door. "If y'all take too long, I'll drop off some snacks. Bye~!" I groaned as Hagakure left.

"What do you think she means by oblivious?" Shoto asked. "I have no idea." I answered honestly.

 "Actually, I don't know exactly what to do in this game. Do you?" I asked. I did know, I just didn't want to imply that I would have to kiss my crush. "Midoriya explained it to me during Tsuyu's turn. You basically make out for 7 minutes in this closet." His bluntness scared me a little. "O-oh... I mean we don't have to right? I mean we can if you want to but then again you might not want to. I'm fi-" My rambling was cut off by a pair of warm lips against mine.

"But I do want this" he said in a low tone. I was speechless, shocked by his sudden confidence. "I've wanted this from the day I got to know you. You helped me open up and express emotions more. I've been trying for weeks to figure out how I feel, and I finally know. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

I was speechless. Unable to formulate words, I just tip-toed and kissed his cheek. I then rested my head on his chest, nodding. He put a finger below my chin and lifted my head so that I was facing him, and then he connected our lips. The kiss started off slow, eventually becoming deeper and more desperate.

~Ochaco POV~

We watched our friends finally get together with the help of a night vision camera Momo had created. It's a good thing Todoroki didn't chicken out on our plan. "Holy shit Todoroki! Watch your hands!" Mina shouted. Looking back at the screen, Todoroki had moved his hands to Y/N's hips, pulling her closer than they already were as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Should we intervene?" Momo asked quietly. "No! They're finally together, let them have this!" Hagakure exclaimed. "HE'S PLAYING WITH HER WAISTBAND." All us girls immediately looked towards the camera, where they had separated for breath. He was still toying with the waistband, whispering something into her ear. "Why does Todoroki get all the girls?" Mineta whined, hugging Kaminari. "Oh hell no, my daughter ain't losing her innocence today." Aizawa stormed off in the direction of the closet.

"When did he get here?" Denki asked. "No idea bro." Kiri replied. He dragged Y/N and Todoroki out, separated as far as possible with his scarf. I burst into laughter seeing how flushed they both were. Mr. Aizawa stayed with us the rest of the night, making sure Todoroki didn't get to close to his new daughter.

~Next Day (Y/N POV)~

I yawned as I rolled over, expecting to fall as I recalled last night halfway through the roll. I had fallen asleep during our second movie of the night. Surprisingly, I felt an arm pull me back. Turning my head around, I saw Shoto gazing at me with half-opened eyes. He pulled me closer, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Good morning."

"Morning" I answered. Then it hit me. Why am I on the same bed as him?  "How did you do this without dad killing you?" I asked, seriously concerned that he would be dead soon. "After he put you to bed and left, I snuck into your dorm. I did promise that I'd sleep with you last night." He kissed the top of my head before sitting up.

Oh. My. God. He was shirtless this whole time? Y/N.exe. has stopped working. I blushed as he reached for his shirt. "What, like what you see?" He asked in a teasing tone. "Sh-shut up Sho. What time is it even?" I had forgotten that school was out for the day. "Around 9." he responded. I tiredly got up and brushed through the knots that had formed in my hair. "Baby, why don't you wear this?" I looked up at him, blushing once more. "Baby?" I liked it, it was cute. "Yeah. From now on, your my baby." He said as he tossed the shirt aside and hugged me from behind. I smiled as I leaned into his touch.

"Y/N, could you open up?" Shit. "Just a sec dad." I tossed Shoto his shirt and he hastily put it on as I opened the door. Sho quickly went over to my closet and continued to look through my clothes.

"M-morning!" Curse my stuttering. "Where's Todoroki. He's not in his room, and he's been gone since at least midnight." Shoto stepped out of my closet holding an outfit. "Hey Aizawa. Baby, how's this?" I mentally rolled my eyes. He is just asking to be killed. "I-it's fine." Aizawa looked suspicious. "Todoroki, mind telling me where you were? And why you're with Y/N right now?" Sho looked as confident as ever. "I snuck into my girlfriends room to fulfill a promise." I face palmed. "What promise...?" Aizawa asked through clenched teeth. "That I would sleep with her." He answered.

Before dad could react I ran to Denki's room, probably faster than I've ever ran before. I knocked on the door, dashing inside once he opened it. "Woah, N/N, what happened." I took a minute to catch my breath before responding. "Shoto slept in my room last night and I don't feel like dying." He burst out in laughter. "H-Hold on... let- let me call Shinso over." He said, still recovering from his laughter. We spent the rest of the morning hiding from Aizawa and hoping that Shoto was still alive.

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