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"Jugyeong?" I saw a slender figure approach me. She turned around at the name, I could see her appearance was tattered and shabby. "Seojun... don't find me." She spoke softly. We were surrounded by darkness. Jugyeong looked cold and scared. I couldn't bear to see her like this. 

I ran towards her, aiming to put my arms around her and shower her with kisses. I touched her, and she crumbled to ash. "No no no!" I gathered her ashes with my hands and sobbed heavily into them. "Jugyeong!" My wailing echos faded away into nothingness. 

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, sweating, and my heart racing. Suho was beside me, looking concerned. "What the heck? Why am I here?" I asked him. Hostility still raged in my voice. The other sighed and crossed his arms. "I fainted and you brought me here, then you passed out in my chair." Suho explained.

I recalled everything from last night. "You brought me here? With those skinny ass arms of yours?" 

Suho rolled his eyes at me. "Come on, get up. They're sending out search parties today, and we're going to join them." Hearing those words, my blood started flowing, and I was pumped with energy.

After I changed, Suho led me downstairs. "Eat, we're going to be out all day and night if we have to." He sounded serious, and I knew too well that he was dead serious. Suho Lee would go to the ends of the world for Jugyeong. I was envious that he had a heavy amount of wealth and power. It was nice to know that he was my ally, but that also made him a love rival.

I didn't want Suho to find her first. His nana cooked us a hearty breakfast, and we enjoyed it quietly. I spoke, only to thank his nana for the food. Neither of us spoke much after that. "Seojun." Suho said in the car. I looked at him for a moment, but then glued my eyes to my phone. 

I needed a distraction from him. "What." I replied dryly. "You don't seem very invested in this. If you want to go home, you can." He told me. We reached a stoplight and I looked him dead in the eyes. "She means everything to me. I will come and find her. Now it just seems like you want to find her on your own." Accusing Suho wouldn't help my anger case, but it felt good to insult him once in a while.

"That's not what it is at all! I want to find her just as much as you do. But we can't accomplish anything if we don't cooperate." He shot back. I'm disgusted with his tone. He thinks he's the prince now that he's come back to Korea.  "Forget you." I slump in the seat and don't talk to him the rest of the way. Suho flips me off. I didn't think he even knew what it meant. Suho is so innocent most of the time.

𝘴𝘦𝘰𝘫𝘶𝘯 𝘹 𝘴𝘶𝘩𝘰 - 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now