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Officer Park's eyes were dark, and Detective Huang returned the boys' gazes. "Yes, well that's what we assume. We don't know anything for sure." Huang said. Suho could feel everything shrinking again. He couldn't resist his tears— in this kind of situation, who couldn't? He looked at Seojun tearfully, but much to his surprise, Seojun was not crying.

It was comforting to know that there was someone stronger than him. Seojun was that person. Suho had always looked up to him. "Seojun?" Suho looked pleadingly at him. Seojun could see that Suho needed someone to lean on, so he gave him that comfort. "I'm here, Suho."

Seojun pulled Suho closer to him, and laid his head on his right shoulder. He felt Suho's shivers, and ran a hand along his back to soothe him. He felt Suho's long arms wrap around him. Seojun was fighting back his tears too, but Suho needed it more. "We'll find her."

Another week had gone by, and the world kept moving as if nothing had happened to Jugyeong Lim. Suho was overworking himself. All day and night, he would try and look for a job. He even took up extra classes, but no one would hire him. Stress baking helped, but he often found himself eating burnt cookies.

He heard a buzzing noise and crept out from underneath his blanket. His phone was ringing for the third time that morning. Suho groaned and reached over to his bedside table. "Off. Off. Off. Shut up." He told his phone angrily, and tucked it under his pillow. He fell asleep for another ten minutes until his phone rang again.

Han Seojun

Suho bit his lip. Things had been going okay with Seojun the past few weeks, but it was awkward. "Hello?" He answered the phone sleepily.

"I'm uh... I'm actually outside right now. I wanted to see if you wanted to have breakfast."

So early... but I really can't say no, can I? Suho thought to himself. Well begun is half done, I suppose. "Alright, I'll be downstairs in a few minutes. My nana will let you in so you don't have to wait outside." He hung up the phone to get ready.

Suho met Seojun downstairs in the living room. "Hi." Seojun said in his deep voice. It made Suho shudder, and sometimes it sent chills down his spine. Suho waved back. A cough erupted from his throat. "Sorry about that." He said. Seojun could hear the tiredness in his voice. "Are you sure you want to go? You don't have to if you feel unwell."

Suho shook his head. "No I'm— cough cough— fine." Seojun cocked an eyebrow. "No you're not. Sit down." He told him. Suho refused, and still stood. Seojun glared at him, Suho didn't give it another thought, and sat down. "You're sick, Suho. Stay home today. I'll cover for you, just get some rest."

Suho admitted, he was extremely tired. He figured he overworked himself trying to get a job. "Ok." Suho finally agreed, and he headed back upstairs to lay in bed again. Seojun crossed his arms and watched as Suho trudged up the stairs. Seojun looked at Suho's Nana. She shook her head disappointedly. "He's been trying too hard to get a decent job. He has all the money and time in the world, I don't know why." She remarked. Seojun couldn't help but smile. It was dumb of Suho, but he admired his persistence. "You can have the day off, Nana. I'll take care of him."

Nana smiled gratefully and closed the sliding door to her room. Seojun reflected and sighed. He looked around the kitchen and put his hands on his hips. There was a packet of Ramyeon laying about, and Seojun decided that was what Suho was going to eat.He quickly boiled the after and added the dry noodles. Seojun cracked an egg and let it fall into the pot. He hummed a tune while he waited for the Ramyeon to soften. Seojun wandered around the house looking for a small rag towel.

He found one, and drenched it in hot water. Seojun finished making the Ramyeon for Suho, and took it to him in a bowl, along with the towel. He found Lee sleeping soundly. Seojun set the bowl of Ramyeon down and pulled up a chair next to the sleeping boy. Suho's hair obscured his forehead. Seojun leaned closer to Suho and hesitated before using his fingers to stroke the hair away from Suho's face.

Seojun usually thought Suho had a cardboard personality, but as of recent events, he found that to be untrue. Suho was a smart and caring person, who put the people close to him above himself. "Big baby." Seojun smirked, and brushed a hand over Suho's. He stirred at the touch, but didn't wake up. Surprisingly enough, Seojun didn't remove his hand from Suho's. He tested a small theory he had, and removed his hand. Suho started to whimper quietly. When he placed it back on, Suho calmed down. It was weird, but he promised Nana he would take care of Suho, so he kept his hand there.

Suho awoke a few hours later to find that Seojun's hand was touching his own. "What—" He began. Seojun stared at him and was quick to recoil his hand. "We don't speak of this ever again." It sounded more like a joke than a threat. Suho turned his face away and rubbed the back of his hand nervously. "No, it's ok. It was... nice." Suho immediately regretted his words. "I- I didn't mean like it was weird or anything! But— you uh, so, yeah!"

Seojun laughed and flicked Suho's forehead. "Okay. Okay. No need to be ashamed about it." He stood up and stretched. "Stay there, I'm gonna go and reheat your Ramyeon." Seojun took the bowl of Ramyeon downstairs to put it in the microwave.

Suho felt his face burning up. He let out a heavy breath when Seojun exited the room. Suho could feel his heart beating loudly against his chest. Crap. 

a/n: #igotcoronasquad no but seriously, i had it and it hurt so much. now suho joined the squad. also imagine jaemin being nana lmao; i swear i didnt do that on purpose. stay safe kids and sorry it took me so long to update :)

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