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Why the heck does he have to be such a jerk at a time like this?  Suho thought, staring at Seojun's sleepy face. Seojun hadn't slept much last night. He maybe got a good 2-3 hour sleep, but during the rest of the night, he lay wide awake. Suho's car pulled to a stop at the police station, where a search part was gathering.

Jugyeong's entire family was there. They hadn't usually cared much for what their daughter did, but now, she was gone. Her little brother looked the most shaken. Suho tapped Seojun lightly on the shoulder, only to receive a smack to the face. "Suho?! What the hell-" Seojun shouted. Suho couldn't care less. He dragged the other boy out of the car by the collar.


"Sis? Where are you?"

"Ms. Lim!"

"Im Ju-bal!" 

Her fans were even there. Most people were gossiping about how Seojun was there, seeing as he was a solo idol. "Jesus, they probably only came to see me and not look for Jugyeong." Seojun suppressed a grunt, and simply rolled his eyes. Suho overheard him and decided he would stay closer to Seojun. He nudged him softly. "Ignore them. We have only one goal." 

Seojun had to keep himself from smiling. Curse you and your encouragement. He thought to himself, curling his fists. Every now and then, Suho's shoulders would lightly brush past Seojun's, making the boys jump back. It was almost five, and they had scouted over half of Seoul. There had been no traces of her at all. 

Nothing was to be found. Seojun was exhausted. He practically hopped over cars, he walked through the forests that stretched between highways, and went through every door that he came close to. Yet there was nothing. Suho checked Jugyeong's old neighborhood, her house three times, did full rounds of the school, and even had his own private parties sent out to other cities. None of them gave Suho a response.

"Billboards and ad campaigns do nothing! Nothing at all!" Seojun spat. He and Suho had sat down at a cafe to grab a bite before continuing. Seojun's tone was getting worse and worse by the minute. Suho almost looked more concerned for Seojun's health than finding Jugyeong at the moment. Seojun continued to ramble. "Why did I leave her alone? This wasn't meant to happen. If only the authorities could do more..." 

Suho didn't pay attention to the words stumbling out of Seojun's mouth. A group of girls approached them. Suho automatically assumed it was to ask for their numbers again, but they came over and brought a ragged piece of cloth and a crumpled note. Suho kicked his chair from under him and forcefully took the items out of their hands. 

The girls brought something that came to their attention. "W-we found this in an old warehouse in Icheon." One girls said quietly. The other girl added "We're fans of Lim Jugyeong, and we joined the search parties as soon as the announcement of her going missing was released." Seojun snatched the cloth from Suho, who snatched it from the girls.

Please don't look for me. It's for the best. I ran away. Look after each other.

- Lim Jugyeong 

Suho read the note out loud. His hands were shaking at the sight of her handwriting. "What- what is this?" Seojun managed to say. He held the cloth up next to the note. It was torn from one of her skirts.

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