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"Jojo, don't do this..." Jugyeong wailed. She fought herself, and screamed until Jojo would disappear. Jugyeong took hold of the rope that Jojo took her with. "Stop! Let me be!" She pleaded. Jugyeong was thrown onto the floor, and when she rose, a smile stretched across her face. "Yeongie, I'm doing this for us. We can live better."

"No! I don't want to! I was perfectly happy with my life." Jugyeong managed to say. Jojo took over again. "Fuck that! We were hiding behind a lie! You are a lie! None of it was real. How could you have been fine with chasing after boys who would run away from you when they found out what you really look like?" Jojo sneered.

Jojo cut her hair off, and held a knife to her throat. "I'll end it here, Jugyeong. You don't have to do this to us. We can go somewhere we'll be accepted for our natural beauty."

"You're the lie, Jojo. A fake, messed up personality I created. You are not real!" Jugyeong threw the knife down and screamed again. She wanted to end Jojo, but she knew that would only hurt them both. Her only choice was to keep fighting, and stay away from everything she loved.


Suho groaned when he woke up. Seojun left a note on his bedside table. He reached over and took the yellow sticky note in his hands.

Hey idiot,

Suho scoffed. "Who's he calling an idiot?"

You seemed to be feeling better, so I just left your food in the kitchen. I left already, little sis was calling.

"Excuses, excuses." Suho laughed to himself.

Anyway, I hope you get better. I tried as best as I could. You're a hopeless case, Suho Lee

— Han Seojun

He swung his legs over the bed, and tucked his feet into his white slippers. Curiously enough, Seojun had cooked him something. Suho smiled. Nana left a note too.


"Oh my god, Nana..." Nana had been teasing Suho with the nickname for a few months, and he still hasn't gotten used to it.

You've been overworking yourself, sweets. Calm down and take a nice rest. Seojun and I are just a call away. Let me know if you need anything.

— Nana

He had such nice people to look after him. How could he take Seojun or Nana for granted? Still, they were right. He couldn't do that ever again, not for his own sake at least. Suho decided to take a walk around his yard. He wore a dark hoodie, and put some gray sweats on. The smell of fresh laundry relaxed him.

There was a little swing in his backyard. Suho built it for his nana's children whenever they stopped by, Chenle and Jeno, was it? They were cute kids, and Suho played with them whenever he got the chance. He used to take Jugyeong here on picnics. The thought tugged at his heart as he lay down on the soft grass.

His thoughts flickered back and forth between Jugyeong and Seojun. He heard a ringing at the doorbell. He muttered something in between his breath and got up. "I'll be right there." He opened the camera app on his phone to see who it was. A smile was plastered on his face when he saw two kids fighting over who would ring the doorbell. He heard a scream from beyond the walls.

Quickly, Suho ran to get the door. He greeted the children with a warm hug. "Suho-hyung!" They bubbled simultaneously. Suho squeezed the kids tightly. "Hi Jeno, Chenle! Where's your mother?" He ruffled their hair. "She and papa are unloading groceries from the car!" Chenle squeaked. Jeno blinked expectantly at Suho. "Can we play today?"

Suho was about to answer when someone else entered. "Nana I—" He looked up, but it wasn't Nana. Seojun was here again. "Suho, I forgot my charger, have you seen it...?" His voice trailed off when he saw two children clinging to Suho. Jeno and Chenle let go of Suho and started jumping up and down in front of Seojun. He cocked an eyebrow. "What's going on?"

Suho explained it to Seojun briefly, and then was interrupted by Chenle's loud voice. "Woah, you're Seojun-hyung, right?" He tugged at his leather jacket, while Jeno poked at his boots. Seojun's hard expression softened. "Yeah, thats me. Suho talks about me, right?"

Little Chenle shook his head. "Sometimes, but it's mostly Mama. She keeps talking about you and how Suho is—" Chenle's older brother, Jeno, clapped a hand over his mouth. "Mama told us not to say anything." He glared. Seojun laughed. Suho was surprised at how quickly Seojun's attitude had changed. Suho squatted down next to Seojun. "She said what now?" He gave them a teasing smile and wiggled his fingers.

Jeno yelped, and ran to the backyard. Chenle followed him. Suho grunted playfully and began to chase after them. "Idiot! You just got better from being sick, and now you're running outside? At least put on a jacket, goddamnit." Seojun rummaged through Suho's closet upstairs and threw a green jacket at him.

Suho blinked and stared at the jacket. It wasn't his. "This was Jugyeong's...." He said slowly. Seojun was startled himself, and he checked the tag on the back of the jacket. Her name was written in permanent marker. Just when he thought he and Suho could move on, something was brought up. His heart felt heavy in his chest, but he had to move forward. So did Suho.

"We'll look further into it, but our boss says that if we cant wrap it up by the 21st of April, we have to close the case. Don't lose hope yet. We're trying our best."

Seojun remembered Huang's words and sighed. "Why in the world would she wear such an ugly jacket?" He snatched the coat from Suho and wrapped it around his neck. He felt dumb doing it, but it seemed to have done the trick. A slight smile cracked up on Suho's face.

Chenle squealed as he kicked his feet up and down on the swings. "Suho-hyung! Push me!" Chenle giggled, and blew a raspberry at Jeno, who pouted. Seojun patted Jeno on the back and carried him to the other swing. "Let's have a contest to see who can go the highest!" Jeno exclaimed.

a/n: took so long!! sorry guys :( next chapter, i will most likely focus on jugyeong's side of the story(blood warning)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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