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Seojun let out a long breath once he closed the front door. Suho had just left the house. He slept on the couch and even cooked for Seojun. He felt guilty about letting Suho do all the work, even though he was the one having him over.

"You're a wreck." Seojun's little sister, Gowoon, had her arms folded and was leaning against the door. I put my palm up to silence her. "Shut it." I sighed and walked to the sink to wash the dishes. "Stop acting so cool."

Gowoon let out a tiny laugh and sat down on the couch. "So is there something going on with you and Suho now that Jugyeong is..." Gowoon tried to be as careful as possible with her words to try and not upset Seojun.

Seojun dropped a plate and stared directly at his sister. "What kind of question is that?!" Seojun took off his rubber gloves and sat down with Gowoon. "I love Jugyeong dearly. Yes, I care deeply for Suho too, but it-" Knock knock.

Seojun was interrupted and he groaned. "Coming!" He sat up and opened the door. Two men were standing at the door. One was dressed in blue and black and topped his outfit with a hat, and the other was dressed casually and with round circular glasses.

"Officer Park...? Is this the detective?" Seojun asked. Officer Park nodded. "Yes. Detective Huang says he has some things to show you." He said. Detective Huang acknowledged Seojun and Gowoon. "If you'll follow me."

"Yeah, hold on just a moment." Seojun closed the door and quickly put his sneakers and jacket on. He followed Detective Huang and Officer Park into the car. The air around them was cold, but none of them cared. The ride was a short one. Seojun looked outside the window. This isn't where I thought we'd be... He thought.

Officer Park and Detective Huang stepped out of the car. "We have to get him too. Please wait for a short while." The detective said. Seojun's eyes were wide when Suho entered the car. "They grabbed you too, huh." Suho remarked. What a nightmare. I just saw him. They sat two inches apart the whole ride.

The stuffy air that accumulated in the car was let out when they arrived at a strange place. A small warehouse. Possibly the same warehouse those girls found evidence from. Could Detective Huang have found something they hadn't?

Detective Huang and Officer Park led the boys to the back of the site. Dust floated around in the air, and there was a musty smell lingering. Seojun and Suho gasped collectively when they saw the newly presented evidence.

A rope and a bag of bloody tissues. Seojun bent down and furrowed his brow. "What- what does this mean?" Suho knelt down next to Seojun. "It means that she was being held..." Suho concluded darkly.

a/n: if u couldn't already guess, officer park and detective huang are park jisung and huang renjun lmao(sorry for the long time it took to update, i'm swamped with school, so i couldn't focus on my stories)

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