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It had been two weeks since Jugyeong went missing. This quieted down a bit, but rumors and the media were still crazy. Seojun and Suho continued to look around, and search for Jugyeong. The only clue they found was the one the girls gave them a while ago. Seojun and Suho mostly stuck together. 

Jugyeong's family were doing terribly. Her mother regretted all her negative actions towards her daughter. Her father regretted not being there for her. Her sister thought she could have done a better job protecting her. Her brother missed her presence.

The last trace of Jugyeong's love could be found within Suho and Seojun, and they wanted to save it forever. The doorbell to Seojun's apartment rang. "It's probably Suho, I'll go get it." Seojun said, getting off the couch. He opened the door, and Suho was there waiting for him.

"Hey." Seojun said. He stepped out from under the little corridor to let Suho in. Seojun's mother smiled, and folded her hands together. "I'm so happy you come over often now, Suho. It's just like how it was for you two in primary school."

Seojun stifled a laugh. "It is nothing like how it was in primary school." The strings at Seojun's heart tugged. "Anyway, I hope you boys find her soon." His mother said solemnly. Shaking off the eerie tension that was created, Seojun glanced at Suho and held out his hand. "What?" Suho stared at Seojun. He was taken aback by the sudden action. Seojun snorted. "Give me your stuff, dummy. I'll put them down somewhere."

Suho blinked. "Oh...! That's what you meant." What is wrong with me? Seojun smirked. "Did you think I was gonna hold your hand or something?" He joked. Suho's face flushed. "No!" He didn't like his pride being hurt.

He followed Seojun to his room. Despite being an idol, his room was adorned with posters of other idols. His walls were a plain gray, a small desk in the corner of his room beside his bed. There was a large closet too. What caught Suho's eye were the pictures around Seojun's wall mirror.

There was one of Seojun and Jugyeong, one of Jugyeong alone, a picture of all three of them together, Seojun's old classmates, and the last one; a picture of Suho. He reached up to touch them, but felt Seojun's gaze fall upon him. "What's wrong? Don't like how my room is decorated?" Seojun asked sarcastically.

Suho shook his head and smiled. "Nothing. But there's one of me up there." He said, pointing to his picture. Seojun's heartbeat quickened. "Uh- that... that was my mom's doing. She really likes you."

Suho rolled his eyes. "Liar."

"I'm not lying!" Seojun shot back. Suho laughed. "Then why haven't you taken it down?"

God damnit, Suho. "I-" Seojun wanted to protest, but there was nothing more he could say. Suho folded his arms and huffed. "That's what I thought. So now I'm going to assume it's because you adore me or something."

"That is not what it is."

Suho and Seojun were there for each other in their dark times. Jugyeong would usually be the one to comfort them, but she wasn't there. The two of them had come to a better understanding of each other.

a/n: quick little filler. i'm still working on the actual plot. i cant update much on weekends. i still hope you enjoyed it though :)

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