Car cries

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In the school parking lot, Veronica sat in her car, a cigarette hanging loosely in between her teeth. She stared ahead at the school building, trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened.

"The school nearly blew up, and it's all my fault. Four people are dead, and it's all my fault. My ex is dead, and it's all my faulty." She thought to herself. "Although to be fair, he had it coming to him"

School had been let out early, due to their being an explosion in the foot ball field. The parking lot was nearly empty, with the exception of a few of the teachers vehicles, and some of the stoner kids who hung out behind the school. She tried to think on the brighter side of things.

"On the bright side, there's no more Heathers. Well, technically, there still are Heathers, but not in a clique way. We're all just kids now, trying our best to make it through the rest of the year."

Veronica jumped at a sudden knock on the passenger side window. Heather Duke stood and knocked on the window again until Veronica rolled it down.

"Veronica, I need to talk to you." Heather stated as she opened the car door, sliding into the passenger seat.

"What is it?"


"Why what?" Veronica asked, very confused.

"Why did you just," she paused to think. "Forgive me like that? We both know I didn't deserve it."

Veronica took a moment to think about Heathers question.

"Well," Veronica started, "I like to think that there's good in everyone, even if it doesn't seem like it on the surface. Yeah, you were a real bitchy person, but even then, I still care about you."

Heather furrowed her eyebrows, and her eyes narrowed as she stared at Veronica with a confused and angry look in her eyes.

"You think IM a bitch?" Heather snapped back. "You're the one who-"

"I'm sorry, poor choice of words," Veronica jumped in, "all I'm saying is that I still care about you, even if-"

"After all I've been through, I'm still the villain here?" She began to raise her voice, "Heather put me though hell and back, and your mad at ME for lashing out?! You have no idea what I'd been though, while you and McNamara just sat doing nothing to help me!"

"Heather I-"

"No, Veronica, I'm not finished," Heather cut her off, "I've been bullied by her for years, and when all is said and done, she kills herself, I get hated for doing the exact same things she did! What did she have that I didn't?!"

tears began to form in her eyes, her throat starting to clog up from yelling, and holding back tears.

"McNamara tried to kill herself because of you," Veronica whispered loudly, "she almost ended up dead on the bathroom floor because of what you said to her."

Heather sat with a dumbfounded look on her face, and thought to herself, "Did McNamara really try to kill herself? Because of me? What did I do that was that bad? I've never said anything worse than what Chandlers said to me."

Heather didn't know how to respond. She couldn't. She couldn't comprehend what she was hearing,

"Oh," was all she could mutter.

They both looked off to the side, and sat in silence, waiting for the other to say something. Heather started to toy with her long sleeves, and glanced over at Veronica to see that she was picking at the navy blue polish on her nails.

"The only difference between me and McNamara is that she's to sensitive," Heather looked up to try and make eye contact with Veronica, and broke the silence, "if she were in my position with Chandler always putting her down, and pointing out her every little flaw, she wouldn't last a week. The only reason I survived years of that is because I can tolerate it more. But that doesn't mean I should've gone through it."

Veronica finally looked back at her to see the tears in her eyes were slowly falling, running down her cheek and onto her chin.

Heather looked down again and continued to talk "I guess I j-just wanted someone else to know ho-how I felt," she sniffled and tripped over her words, as she began to cry more and more.

She held her face in her hands, pulled her legs up onto the seat, and leaned on to center console. Veronica reached over to rub her back, and try to comfort her. She moved onto the other seat with Heather, and pulled her into a hug. Heather cried into her shoulder as Veronica tried to comfort the smaller girl.

"I'm so sorry," Veronica said in a hushed tone, "I had no idea."

Veronica stroked her hair, as Heather continued to cry, slowing down, as time went on. She nuzzled her face into Veronicas shoulder as much as she could, and wrapped her arms around her neck. She had finally calmed down enough to talk again.

"I- I'm s-sorry too," Heather whispered, "I sh-shouldn't have s-snapped at you like that."

"It's okay."

Veronica gently kissed her on the forehead, and hugged her tighter, before pulling away.

"I should probably, head home soon," Veronica said as she scooted back to the drivers seat, "I'll see you tomorrow, Heather. Don't forget, we're gonna all hang out at the mall, I've got some birthday money to blow."

Heather giggled at Veronicas poor excuse for a joke, before starting to walk back to her jeep, and driving home.

This is my first attempt at a full story, so please let me know what you think! I'm probably going to update again tomorrow, and I have some pretty cool ideas for what I want to do with this story! I also didn't go over this before posting, and I'm really tired, so there's probably some grammar mistakes.


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