Out of time

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Veronicas POV

The next day at school me, Heather and I don't talk. Like, at all. She keeps her distance between classes, and doesn't pass notes to me during the class we do have together.

It's what I wanted, to keep her safe, but I'm still not used to it. At the end of the day, I don't bother asking Heather for a ride. It's not too far of a walk back to the motel.

As I walk, I notice JD distantly following me.

"Fuck off!" I call behind my shoulder annoyed.

"That's no way to talk to your boyfriend," he calls out, rushing to catch up to me, "how about we go catch a movie or something?"

"Pass," I grumble.

"Where are you going? Last I checked, your house is the other way."

I don't answer and keep on walking.

"Are you not staying at home? That would explain why you haven't been home," he mumbles, "I swear to god if you've been at Heathers house-"

"I haven't! Not anymore."

"Well, wherever you're staying, you're not staying there anymore," he grabs my wrist and drags me back the other way, "you're staying with me."

"You're fucking insane if you think-" I start to yell but he cuts me off.

"You don't have a choice here! It's my house, or a ditch on the side of the road."

I sigh and hesitantly get on his motorcycle with him. I get him to drop me off at the hotel for a minute to grab my stuff, which is difficult to hold on to on the back of a motorcycle. It felt like I was gonna drop it all.

When we get back to his house, his dad isn't home yet. I plop myself down on the couch and clutch my bag close to me.

"Why are your even doing this?" I growl, "you said it yourself, the slate is clean."

"You don't get it, do you? I didn't die! Now that is proof that we did- what we're doing- is right!"

"No! it's not!"

"Is too!"

We yell and argue back and forth, until he shoves me back, and I hit my head on the arm of the couch. I sit back up and rub the back of my neck.

"Sorry, just- I'm really trying here. If you think there's good in people, you need to prove it. But I can always do this my way. Without. You."

"Yeah, well I can always do things my way." I sneer and mock him.

"No, you can't. I personally haven't seen any change in Heather Duke. She's still just as much of an asshole as ever," he says angrily, "you saw how she snapped at Heather at lunch. I personally think it would be a lot better for everyone if we just... took her out of the equation."

"You said you'd give it a week! She'd be better if I could be there... if I could tell her how much I love her," I mumble. She probably thinks I hate her. "She would be fine if I wasn't pushing her away."

"That's the point of this! If she can't handle a little abandonment like everyone else, she isn't worth it."

He pulls his small gun out of his pockets and shoots the couch next to my head. I jump with a gasp, panting to catch my breath.

"My way, or no way."

I lunge at him and try to wrestle the gun away from him. He shoves me down off the couch, and I land on my back with a loud thud. He firmly steps on my chest, not putting too much pressure on it, but damn is it terrifying.

"You've got guts, Sawyer." He snarls as I squirm under his boot, trying to push him off.

He points the gun at me and I hide my face in my shoulder, squeezing my eyes shut. This is it, I repeat to myself in my head. This is it, this is it, this is it.

I hear a loud bang, and my ears ring, taking a moment to register that the bullet went through the newly replaced radio, and not my head. The soft music it was playing stops, and I take a moment to catch my breath.

"You won't be so lucky next time," he murmurs and steps off of me.

My heart races as I shakily get back on my feet. My whole body trembles with dread while I take a seat back on the couch, avoiding eye contact. He could've easily killed me, right then and there. 

I pull my diary out of my bag, and put my monoclonal on, opening up to a new page.

"Dear diary," I write and think to myself, hunching over to hide my book, "I've gotta kill this bastard. Only problem is how. He's made it pretty fucking clear that he's not afraid to shoot his gun. One wrong move and I'm the one who has their blood on the floor."

A/n Off topic, but one of my favorite parts of writing this is doing Veronicas diary entries. Like making up my own fun memorable one liners that sound like something Veronica would actually say in her head, or write down in the film. And then reading them in Winona's voice for that added realism.

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