Another Cartomancy chapter

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So in my previous chapter on cartomancy i mentioned another system, the one in the book "Playing Card Divination: Every Card Tells a Story" but i never went over that system. This system is probaby my favorite system to use so i decided to make a chapter on it. Please read the book for more information on this system and how to interpret it.

You know how in tarot they have a story called the "Fool's Journey" (Should i make a chapter telling this story? learning this story is a good way to get to know your tarot cards better). In this system we have something similar. It's called the "Magicians Journey."

In this system, every number represents an archetype that walks within the deck. Each archetype represents a different part of th Magicians Journey. We follow the story of a Hunter becoming a magician. Each suit represents an action for that role/archetype. 


Ace: The Hunter

Two: The Lover

Three: The Healer

Four: The Smith

Five: The Warrior

Six: The Singer

Seven: The Nobel

Eight: The Hermit

Nine: The Dancer

Ten: The Magician

Jack: The Trickster

Queen: The Lady

King: The Sovereign


Clubs: Promise

Diamonds: Gambit

Spades: Folly

Hearts: Triumph

So the King of Spades would be the "Sovereign's Folly"  and the 9 of Hearts would be the "Dancer's Triumph"

I could go into lots of details on what each role means and what each action means. I could also go into so much detail on each individual card. But i'm too lazy for that so i'm just going to ive a few keywords for what each card means in this system so i hope you guys actually buy and read the book on it, because it's a really good book.

The Cards and Their Interpretations 

Ace of Clubs: "Hunter's Promise" new beginings, personal goals, focus

Ace of Diamonds: "Hunter's Gambit"an opportunity, a test of skill, going all in

Ace of Spades: "Hunter's Folly" disaster, ruthlessness, sudden change

Ace of Hearts: "Hunter's Triumph" joy, gaining your hearts desire, strong success

Two of Clubs: "Lover's Promise" hope, romance and fantacy, comfort

Two of Diamonds: "Lover's Gambit" emotional risk, agreements, contracts

Two of Spades: "Lover's Folly" heartbreak, arguments, angry words

Two of Hearts: "Lover's Triumph" love, partners, intimacy

Three of Clubs: "Healer's Promise" moral decisions, compassion, principles

Three of Diamonds: "Healer's Gambit" gift, good deeds, assistance

Three of Spades: "Healer's Folly" exhaustion, undeserved guilt, overwork

Three of Hearts:"gratitude, recognition, teamwork

Four of Clubs: "Smith's Promise" long-term work, planning, patience

Four of Diamonds: "Smith's Gambit" creation, skilled work, planned change

Four of Spades: "Smith's Folly" greed, inertia, obsession

Four of Hearts: "Smith's Triumph" harvest, order, fairness

Five of Clubs: "Warrior's Promise" conflict, necessary opposition, resistance

Five of Diamonds: "Warrior's Gambit" courage, overcoming fear, taking action

Five of Spades: "Warrior's Folly" acting rashly, dishonorable actions, shame

Five of Hearts: "Warrior's Triumph" victory, beating stronger opponents, safety

Six of Clubs: "Singer's Promise" communication, written messages, being understood

Six of Diamonds: "Singer's Gambit" performance, outward appearances, being seen

Six of Spades: "Singer's Folly" celebration, holiday, carefree enjoyment

Six of Hearts: "Singer's Triumph" persuation, fame, glamor

Seven of Clubs: "Nobel's Promise" home, fair dealings, contentment

Seven of Diamonds: "Nobel's Gambit" friendship, loyalty, recognizing debts

Seven of Spades: "Nobel's Folly" ego, prejudice, injustice

Seven of Heart: "Nobel's Triumph" searching for answers, continuing responsibility, restlessness

Eight of Clubs: "Hermit's Promise" travel, peace, escape

Eight of Diamonds: "Hermit's Gambit" mental effort, clarity, ignoring interruptions

Eight of Spades: "Hermit's Folly" isolation, overthinking, prioritizing thoughts over deeds

Eight of Hearts: "Hermit's Triumph" reconciliation, new knowledge, returning

Nine of Clubs: "Dancer's Promise"intuition, connection, avoiding danger

Nine of Diamonds: "Dancer's Gambit" cycles, habits, burdens

Nine of Spades: "Dancer's Folly" illusion, self-deception, imbalance

Nine of Hearts: "Dancer's Triumph" paths, easy progress, harmony

Ten of Clubs: "Magician's Promise" balance, self-descipline, fairness

Ten of Diamonds: "Magician's Gambit" juggling, reducing chaos, applying knowledge

Ten of Spades: "Magician's Folly" simple tasks, avoiding arrogance, routine work

Ten of Hearts:"Magician's Triumph" mastery, completion, success through learning

Jack of Clubs: "Trickster's Promise" lies, betrayal, worthless, assurances

Jack of Diamonds: "Trickster's Gambit" unexpected lessons, risks for large gain

Jack of Spades: "Trickster's Folly" honesty, justice, exposing liars

Jack of Hearts: "Trickster's Triumph" jackpiot, great assistance, unconventional routes

Queen of Clubs: "Lady's Promise" temptation, excitement, future possibilities

Queen of Diamonds: "Lady's Gambit" pure chance

Queen  of Spades: "Lady's Folly" bad luck

Queen of Hearts: "Lady's Triumph" good luck

King of Clubs: "Sovereign's Promise" security, benevolent institutions, fulfilling promises

King of Diamonds:  "Sovereign's Gambit" money, diplomacy, professional services

King of Spades: "Sovereign's Folly" authority, tradition, inflexibility

King of Hearts: "Sovereign's Triumph" help from the master, allies, success in traditional ways

I could probably go into a lot more detail on each individual card but i'm lazy and this chapter is already long enough

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