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Veiling is the practice of covering ones head or hair. The full act of veiling incudes covering all of your hair, however a lot of people i've met who veiled only cover the crown chakra not their whole head

People veil for many reasons. Most witches veil to cover their crown chakra, for protection. This is especially helpful for empaths and people with psychic abilities, as it prevents other people's energies from mingling with your own. it also prevents your energies and emotions from assaulting other people. It helps with headaches that stem from energetic overstimulation. Others veil because a god or goddess told them to, usually that goddess is Hestia (but you don't have to veil if you follow Hestia). There is this belief in some cultures where energy can get trapped in your hair, and that's why you feel so cleansed after washing your hair

Veiling is seen is all the time. Hijab is actually Arabic for 'veil' (actually is Arabic for 'a barrier's but a veil is creating a barrier between you and outside energies)

Most people veil with a scarf, as that is what is traditional. However you can also veil with bandannas, headbands, or even hats

It is traditional that only women veil, however nowadays men can veil too

Veiling is seen a lot in Hellenist religions, like Greek. In Rome rich women would wear veils. There is no evidence that the Anglo-Saxons wore veils, however the women did cover their hair sometimes and they were heavily influences by the Romans, so i'd be surprised if they didn't. We can't find any evidence that the norse veiled, but there are some stories of women covering their head with something. In one story a jealous woman ripped the cloth from another woman's hair.

Anyone can veil though, they don't have to be part of a certain religion to veil

I found the perfect scarf to veil with, but it's covered in crosses and i'm not veiling for Christian purposes because i'm not Christian. So i'm probably going to pretend like they are Celtic crosses or Thor's hammers. Although my mom would probably find it weird that i suddenly started wearing a bandanna or scarf everywhere

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