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This is a bit of a sensitive and controversial topic, and i personally am not really the most comfortable with it, although I've got nothing against it. It just confuses me. But i will try to be as unbiased in this as i possibly can be

What is Godspousing?
In the simplest of interpretations/definitions: Godspousing is an oath or “marriage” to a Deity or Entity for a deeper devotional connection. This connection can be purely platonic, romantic, and/or even sexual. (Just from this definition, I'm sure you can see why many would have a problem with it)
There are also variations that include spiritspousing, demonspousing, angelspousing, and spousing a pop culture entity (from what I can tell, spousing a pop culture entity seems to be less controversial within the community than Godspousing. But don't be a creep and spouse a child coded PCP entity)

What is Agape?
You can't talk about Godspousing without mentioning Agape. "Agapē (αγάπη in Greek) is one of several Greek words translated into English as love. Greek writers at the time of Plato and other ancient authors used forms of the word to denote love of a spouse or family, or affection for a particular activity, in contrast to ... eros (an affection of a sexual nature, usually between two unequal partners, ...)" (Quote from the New World Encyclopedia)
The term is most frequently used within Christianity to express the unconditional and devotional love of man for Christ/God. This is most often seen in the way Nuns and Orthodox Priests devote themselves to Christ. However, it is not solely used in a Christian context. In Greek, it's one of the words for love, symbolizing great affection and devotion (non-romantic/sexual). The love of the Divine/God(s) for man, and vice versa. 

Recently, this term (with a slightly different spelling) was being used by many to denote love in a romantic or sexual fashion. Based on its original Greek meaning, this is incorrect. Agape is not a romantic or sexual love. 

Why many people are against Godspousing
Many people who claim to be godspouses claim to have gotten impregnated by a god. Often times they claim superiority over other people who worship the same god. Other times they claim their relationship is more important it valid than others. Of course, not all godspouses say this, but enough of them do to cause a problem
A lot of them claim that the deity lives them more than the deity lives their mythological significant others, which can cause a lot of problems for obvious reasons. Some also say the deity loves them more than another godspouse of the same deity. Many try to humanize the deities by giving them pet names or claim that the deity physically interacts with them (talking about cuddling and kissing the deity). They never specify is the action is in the Astral plane, which can cause confusion among baby witches and new pagans.

This is why the idea of Godspousing is a very sensitive and controversial topic in the community, despite there being nothing inherently wrong with it

Types of Godspousing

The most common form of godspousery and the type that appears the most historically is connected to nuns and devotional/symbolic marriage. This type of godspouse is often platonic but is married to the deity as a show of devotion. This marriage is most often symbolic, although some do wear rings to show the marriage.

Another common form of godspousery is when the marriage does have romance involved. These often involve a lot of love and adoration, although from what I can tell that's mostly in the humans side, although there is a little on the deities side.

Not everyone who loves a deity ends up marrying them. It's a commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly, so many of them aren't involved in exclusive relationships

Being in a relationship with a deity doesn't mean the same thing as "dating" one. Y'all aren't high school students and you shouldn't be treating them like you're equal to them in any way. They are gods, not humans, and should be treated with high levels of respect.

You can be in a human relationship along side the Devine relationship, but this requires a lot of communication between you, the Devine, and the human partner (the human partner may find the whole concept weird and may not support it)

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