Siren's lipstick spell

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A spell to make one's words more desirable to listen to and to capture the attention of listeners. Helps them hold onto your every word and especially good for flirting.

You Will Need:

Red Lipstick
A Mirror


(Optional) Rose Quartz to place before you


Wash your face and do your make up as you normally you would.
"My words are as sweet as sugar, they attract and lure like a song"
Take your sugar and place it onto your tongue and close your mouth. Let it dissolve away, as it does think about how you want your words to affect others."I will captivate." Say this three times looking into the mirror
Take your red lipstick and paint your lips with it. Hum during this part a melody that you associate with beauty.Rub your lips together and do a 'mwah!' to the mirror. "May my song begin!" And close the spell as you see fit such as blowing a kiss or winking at the mirror.

Other Notes: this spell can be enhanced by pairing it with perfumes that attract love and represent beauty such as rose perfume. 

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