Protection spell

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Witch of Wonderlust's dark moon protection spell ( here is a video of someone doing the spell if you need it

it is preferred that this spell is done during the new or dark moon, but that's not required


A black candle

something sharp to carve into the candle with (or write a petition)

a plate to put the candle on

some kind of oil, preferably a protection oil, but olive oil works fine as a replacement(this part isn't necessary)




burdock root (optional)

angelica root (optional)


First, cleanse all the items you're using. This is very important. You don't want any stray energies messing up you're spell. Get your carving tool and starts carving into your candle. You can carve things like the word "Protection" or "Protect (person you want to protect's name)" or you could carve protective sigils onto the candle. If you want to write a petitions, instead of carving into your candle, i'll try my best to explain how to do this. So you take a square sheet of paper and you write your name, or the name of the person you're doing the spell for's name, on the paper 3 time. Than you turn the paper 90 degrees clockwise and you write your intention on it three time. So something like "this person is protected" or just the word"protection". Than you take the paper, fold it towards you. Turn it 90 degrees clockwise. Fold it towards you again. If you chose to write a petition instead of carving the candle, place the petition under the plate.

Now dress the candle in your oil (if you want to use oils for this spell). If you have a protective blessing you want to say, now would be the time to say it. This is the time then you're charging the candle with protective energies. Now you can place the candle on your plate.

For the salt, you want to activate it to absorb the negative energies that are already around (this isn't really necessary, since you've already cleansed. but this is to ensure that the protective working is protected from out side energies that could affect it). Sprinkle a circle of salt around the candle (this is why the plate is important. So you don't make a mess). 

Next sprinkle your cloves, rosemary, burdock root, angelica root, and eucalyptus around the candle as well.  If you want to (this wasn't in the ingredients list) you can put dried rose petals around the candle as well. The rose petals aren't to protect, but as an offering to the spirits helping you in this working is any are helping you

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