Instant magick is really fast and quick spells you can do without any supplies.I guess this could be another subtle witchcraft chapter, but everything in this i got from the book Instant Magick by Christopher Penczak. I recommend this book to anyone and you should definitely read this book for more info. It's a lot easier to do any form of magick, especially instant magick, when you're in an altered state of consciousness. Some witches do a bunch of rituals to get to this, but all you really need to do is meditate. It's hard to explain what this altered consciousness feels like, you'll just know when you're there. However, i'll try my best to explain. This is just how it feels for me, it could be different for other people. For me, i feel very light, kinda like i'm floating. I will feel both hot and cold at the same time (this is what pure energy feels like to me), and sometimes i feel dizzy.
Witchcraft is a lot easier when you know how to sense and manipulate energy (since that's essentially what witchcraft is. Manipulating energy)
One exercise you can do to get better at this is gather a bunch of objects that you're sure have a different vibration. So a fruit, a rock, leaves, a plastic toy, anything you feel like. Open they chakras in your hand. You can do this by rubbing your hands together, clapping them, etc. Anything to get the kinetic energy going. Take the object in your non-dominant hand. Now put your dominant hand in a fist, with your thumb sticking out, and wave it over the object in your other hand. Kinda like you're scanning it almost. Pay attention to how the energy feels. Does it feel warm or cool? does it feel like static or stagnant? Pay attention to it. What you're feeling is the energy of the object, and every objects energy feels different. Pay attention to the differences between the objects.
Another exercise you can do is raise your arms out and to the sides, palms facing each other. Slowly bring your hands closer to each other. Allow yourself to sense the energy between your hands. To manipulate this energy you need to use your will and intention, play acting, and visualization. Feel the energy. Imagine it feels like clay, try to shape and transform it. You probably won't be able to actually see the energy irl, but you can with enough practice. Just focus more on feeling it.
Lots of people who use instant magick have a trigger, but most don't. This trigger is supposed to automatically place you in that altered state of consciousness i mentioned earlier. Your trigger could be snapping, crossing your fingers, rubbing your hands together, stomping. Anything you'd like. To program your trigger, physically do your trigger and repeat this three times
I program this as my instant magick trigger. With this trigger i can instantly access a light meditative state and all of my magickal abilities.
You can end it by saying "so mote it be" or "it is so" or even "amen". Something along those lines.
When your done release your trigger.
Instant magick spells
Now on to the fun part. Spells. All of these spells come from the book i mentioned earlier. They have correspondences that go with them, if you want to use them, but you don;t have to.
Animal Communication
intention: to send and receive information between you and an animal, usually a domesticated one
colors: blue, brown
triplicity: mutable
elements: air, earth
chakras: sacral, throat
planets: Mercury, Earth, Moon
entities: many deities are associated with specific animal allies, while others are patrons of the entire animal kingdom. Good gods for this spell include Artemis, Diana, Cybele, Hekate, Athena, Bast, Sekhmet, Inanna, Rhiannon, Freyja, Frigga, Ceridwen, Pan, Poseidon, Faunus, Mercury, Hermes, Anumbis, Thor, Odin, Freyr, and Indra. Raphael is the archangel of communication. Saint Francis if Assisi is the patron saint of animals. Lapis and Turquoise stone spirits. catnip plant spirit.
word: I hear and speak the wisdom of the animal world
description: while holding your trigger, take a few deep breaths, take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on the animal in question. Imagine a link of blue light connecting the two of you. The connection can be through the air or through the land beneath you. it's important not to think of the connection as too projective or threatening, but rather a soft and steady connection to the animal.
Imagine this as your "phone" line, translating your communications back and forth. Think your messages in words, or better yet in pictures. Allow the responses to come to you. Try not to force the responses. The response with either be in words or pictures. Animals, particularly wild ones, don't recognize the words we use, but our psyche are able to translate the messages in ways we understand.
Astral wind
intention: To cleanse, heal
colors: blue, white
triplicity: cardinal
element: air
chakra: throat
planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
entities: all deities of the sky and storm, including Uranus, Zeus, Jupiter, Hera, Juno, Hekate, Amon-Ra, Nuit, Shu, Enlil, Inanna, Marduk, Indra, Shiva, Tyr, Thor, Odin, Freyja, Tarranis, Gwydion, Dagda, Nuada, and Arianrhod. Tzadkiel is the archangel of Jupider, and Uriel is often associated with Uranus. Paralda is the elemental king of air. Sky animals such as eagles and hawks.
words: I summon the astral wind to cleanse and clear
description: preform your trigger and attract the wind. Feel it blowing away all unwanted energies, either from your body or the space around you, away and off your future path. This isn't really a good explanation, sorry.
Cosmic Telephone (i have been wanting to do this spell or something like it for so long. I have this one friend i got out of contact with and i'm afraid to text them)
intention: to contact someone psychically
colors: blue, purple, orange, yellow
triplicity: cardinal
elements: air, spirit
chakras: throat, third eye, crown
planet: Mercury
entities: deities of communication, such as Athena, Minerva, Hermes, Mercury, Thoth, Seshat, Anubis, Ea, Nabu, Sarasvati, Agni, Ganesha, Brid, Ogma, Odin, Taliesin, and Merlin. Gabriel is the archangel messenger. Paralda is the elemental king of air. Blue Jay, Crow, and Raven animal spirits. Daffodil and Peppermint plant spirits. Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, and Turquoise stone spirits
words: I am sending a message to (recipient's name)
description: With your trigger held, think about the recipient of your message. Say the individuals name in your mind. Visualize the person in your mind's eye. Connect in whatever way you feel is appropriate. Once you feel connected, simply think your message, usually something like "Please call me." Before you come out of your meditative state, visualize the person receiving your message. Then allow the person to make contact. be sure your intention is not to force or compel the recipient to contact you. If the person has chosen consciously not to, for whatever reason, you must respect it. You should only send a suggestion, not a command.
There are so many more spells, but i'm too lazy to type them all out. I'll probably make seperate chapters with those spells in them later
Witchcraft basics
SpiritualThis will include information on both witchcraft and paganism. Feel free to ask questions