Last post i did on subtle witchcraft i mentioned a lit of different things, but this time i'm mainly going to focus on outfits and accessories. Some of this stuff is similar to the things in the last subtle witchcraft chapter. A lot of things in here i might make more detailed chapters on.
You can charm a middle finger ring to give temporary bad luck to anyone you flip off
Do knot magick on your shoe laces to attract luck and hold in positive energy. Also putting pennies in shoes to attract wealth
Charm your jackets, sweaters, and flannels with an "I'm rubber your glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" effect, to deflect negative energy like a bouncy shield.
Do a luck spell on your shoes to keep you from stepping in gum, mud, dog crap, or anything else undesirable. Also charm them to keep you from tripping and falling.
I'm hopefully going to make a chapter on glamours soon, but glamour your jeans to make your butt look cute as hell.
Spell your perfume, cologne, and deodorant to make potential lovers more attracted to you because you smell pretty.
Enchant a choker or necklace to help with communication, clear speaking, singing, or to relieve anxiety over public speaking.
Spell a sports jersey or athletic wear to make you preform better in sports, and work harder/burn more calories while working out
Charm glasses and sunglasses to find lost things and "see" the truth to peoples lies.
Charm earrings with the ability to hear gossip, secrets, and people talking behind your back, and the power to gain important information
Witchcraft basics
SpiritualThis will include information on both witchcraft and paganism. Feel free to ask questions