The Moon Phases

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The moon is very important in witchcraft. We use the moon a lot, whether it's to make moon water or to plan spells around the moon.

New Moon: Banishing, cursing, new beginning, dark magick (dark magick isn't evil), beauty and health, divination, journaling, protection, binding, cleansing, 

Waxing Moon: Great time for spells that you want to get more powerful over time, growth, attraction, creation, motivation, power, production, healing, planning, taking action, youth, independence, manifesting

Full Moon: Divination, protection, fertility, light works, knowledge, blessings, cleansing, charging, hearts desire, purification, power, success

Waning Moon: Releasing, letting go, banishing, undoing hexes and curses, cleansing,  repelling, warning, mending relationships

Blue Moon (the version where the moon looks blue. Not the second full moon in a month): Rituals, protection, power boost, guidance, positive change, obtaining goals

Blood Moon: Ridding ones self of bad habits, prophecy, healing, balance, manifestation, transformation, spirit conjuration

Lunar eclipse (i know that blue moons and blood moons are lunar eclipses, however i wanted to put the meaning here anyways): During a lunar eclipse you can do any type of lunar magick for any phase. During the eclipse the moon is showing all of its phases due to the earth blocking the sun from the moon

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