chapter16 :i like everythings about him

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This is when mark and sandra were together :

Mark and sandra were at the caffe that nana work in ,mark was hoping to see her but her boss said that she took a permmision today ,then they sat down, talked,ate then mark went to the bathroom but he left his phone ,sandra :this is my chance '',she send to nana ''comeback quicly i'll be waiting for you at the door '',then mark went back and they decided to leave ,when they arrived to got7 house ,sandra grabbed mark 's hand ,mark :what's wrong ?'',sandra :oppa you know my fatger is not the only reason iam here '',mark :really ......'',he remebered what jiyeon told him ,sandra : ohh you are the true reason why iam here ,you know i want us to be back together '',mark :but you are the one who broke up on me '',sandra :and i regret it alot ,so please '',mark :but you said that we wown't make true since i live here '',sandra :we were young but why are you making exuses ha you like another '',mark :honestly ......'',sandra :who nana that why you look jealouse'',mark :iam sorry it just i did use to think about you but since i saw her '',sandra :stop it ....'',mark :iam telling the truth '',then she kisses him while that nana and jackson arrives and see what is happening ,then sandra saw them so she kissed mark more and hugged him tightly ,then mark saw them and he left sandra and said :nana i can expline '',nana :to who ha '',and she enter the house ,Mark :you see what you did'',sandra :you like her not me '',mark : iam sorry but yes i like her '',sandra :so i guess this is goodbye ha'',mark :yeah it is '',and he enter the house 'mark :where is nana '',jackson :leave her alone '',mark : i have to talk to her ,jackson :she is leaving hyung '',mark said :what she is leaving to where '',yugyeom :to her home '',mark :why and her mom '',jackson :yeah they are fine '', mark :even so she can't '',then nana :why i can't '',mark :you are with us'', nana : iam getting hurt when iam with you '',jb :who hurted you '',nana :junoir oppa '',jr :what did i do '',nana :we need to talk '',jr :ohh yeah sure '',and they went to the balcony ,There she hugged jr and said :oppa he doesn't like me '',jr :how do you know '',she started crying ''they kissed infront of us '',jr are knew it is sandra ,nana :he texted me to come to see him but i saw ......'',jr :he did that why '',nana crying and crying ''it hurts so much .............this '',jr :ok cry cry '',her eyes became red and her she is on the floor ''stupid arrogante boy '',jr :yeah he is '',nana :no iam the stupid one for liking him '',jr :now what should i say '',when he was planing to get up he fell down ,nana started laughing then jackson opened the door:are you crying or laughing '',nana :hahhahaha look jr oppa fell '',jackson :ahh now isee '',jr :you likes this stuff '',bammie saw them and jr on the floor ''hyung you fell hahaa'',jr :ya how dare you '',jb what is this mess why are you on the floor '',then mark came :what's going on '',nana got up :i al sleepy i wanna go to bed '',and she left to the room running ,nana throw her body on the bed ''ahhh why luck is escaping from me so i guess he likes her not me '', then she packed all her things ,then mark enter the room ,mark: so you are leaving ", nana:yeaah, iam going to sleep in the living room ", mark:why ", nana :iam going early tomorrow so i don't wanna bother you ", mark: tomorrow is the compitition day shouldn't you get rest ", nana : about that i own't dance i'll oly do my song ",mark didn't say anything because e knew he wouldn't change her mind

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in the morning,they didn't find her ,mark :she told that she'll leave early so we'll meet at school", jackson: ohhh today is going to be the compitition,", yongjea:i can't wait to listen to nana", bammie :and i can't wait to see the duet dance '',mark :actualy we canceled it '',jb :why is that '',mark :nana said she can't and i don't know why '',jackson :alex's reaction wouldn't be good '',then they went to school ,they found every one buzy ,then alex came said :mark you are doing the dance with kang sora she knows the steps '',nana send a message to jackson :''iam waiting back stage with yonghwa and joonil ,come'',jackson took all got7 there ,nana said :h!ey guys this is jung yonghwa our third friend '',jackson :these are got7 ,and guys we are going to dance for him this afternoon'',bammie :yeah sure '',then they all introduced them selfs ,the show began and the students started getting there one by one ,then it is mark and sora turn ,they did it in amazing way ,nana's turn was the last and her turn was up so she got up feeling nervouse ,she saw her mother sitting with poeple ,there were journalists but she wasn't in the mood of smiling and she choose teayang song ''eyesnoselips'',nana :this song is for that person who left me '',
Don't be sorry,
that makes me more pitiful
With your pretty red lips
please hurry, kill me and go.
I'm all right.
Look at me one last time
Smile like nothing's wrong,
so when I miss you I can remember.
So I can draw your face in my mind.

My selfishness that couldn't let you go
turned into an obsession that imprisoned you.
Were you hurt because of me?
You sit silently.
Why am I a fool, why can't I forget you.
You're already gone.
Your eyes, nose, lips
Your touch that used to touch me,
to the ends of your fingertips.
I can still feel you
but like a burnt out flame,
burnt and destroyed
all of our love
it hurts so much, but now I'll call you a memory.
Love you, loved you
I must have not been enough
Maybe I could see you just once by coincidence.
Everyday I grow restless,
Everything about you is becoming faint.
You smile back in our pictures,
unknowing of our approaching farewell.
My selfishness that couldn't let you go
turned into an obsession that imprisoned you
Were you hurt because of me?
You sit silently.
Why am I a fool, why can't I forget you.
You're already gone.
Your eyes, nose, lips
Your touch that used to touch me,
to the ends of your fingertips.
I can still feel you
but like a burnt out flame,
burnt and destroyed
all of our love
it hurts so much, but now I'll call you a memory.
Your black eyes that only saw me
Your nose that held the sweetest breath
Your lips that whispered 'i love you, i love you'..I....
Your eyes, nose, lips
Your touch that used to touch me,
to the ends of your fingertips.
I can still feel you
but like a burnt out flame,
burnt and destroyed
all of our love.
it hurts so much, but now I'll call you a memory.

After she finished ,bammie :you were amazing but are you crying '',yongjea :you were much better then me '',jb :whatp is wrong your eyes are teary '',nana :iam fine thanks '',joonil:yonghwa and jackson just left '',nana :what iam going to kill them how could '',Then they appear ''suprise did you think that we will leave you '',nana :idoites boys i don't know why i like you '',smiling ,yugyeom :and we don't know what you like in this person '',bammie :who is hurting you '',nana: yeah stupid me it just i like evrything about him ,guys i have to go to see mom'',jr :she is here ?'',nana :yes she came '',while she was getting out from the back stage she got barged into some one a boy she apologized and left ,she got her mom ,nana :mom what are you doing here '',the mom :i came to see you ,i was with mrs wang she is nice women actualy '',nana :are you sick '',the mom :no and why didn't tell me that you sing like that ha '',nana :i myself recently found out ,i was thinking of appling an audition to jyp but i hadn't time '',the mom :and the company .. ..'',nana :that is why i didn't do it '',the mom :ok your things are already home ...look they are goin to annouce the winner go go '',nana went back and she didn't win the first place but the third ,mark and sora got the second ,then the school said that it is going to be no study so go ,yonghwa and nana and jiyeon went with got7 because they are going to show them how much talented they are ,joonil got a mission from nana's father ,yoona is with her mother working as always


-At got7 house ,nana :iam going to make us snaks '',and she headed to the kitchen ,jackson :mark hyung go tell her what you told me '',mark she wown't listen to me '',jackson :she will go '',so he did ,mark :do you need any help '',nana :no go back '',mark :nana listen to me i can expline what happened yesterday '',nana:why you need to do that what am i to you '',mark :she kissed me it wasn' t me '',nana :really ??wait '',mark :she wanted us to be back together but .....'',nana :but what ...'',mark :i told her i like you ''.

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