chapter 18 : the first date

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Nana changed her clothes then she laied down on her bed ,remembered what happened, she started jumping on the bed ''ahh,wait what should i wear tomorrow?? '',then she called yoona and told her all ,yoona :omg i can't believe it!! for real ?'',nana :yeah i know ....where are you now ?'',yoona :on the plane with my mom ''.nana :you are always working ,you still young '',yoona :actualy ..iam leaving school '',nana :what !!! Why ?'',yoona :iam going to study aboard '',nana :so i won't get see you anymore '',yoona :''i'll pass to see you after tomorrow to say goodbye '',nana :i'll be waiting '',yoona :i have to go now ...good luck with your new boyfriend '',then she got a message from mark "don't go anywhere tomorrow i'll take to a place ready at 7am ok good night and dream about me",she replied "mr arrogante good night to you too i'll wait don't be late ..... dream of me too",she slept cutely

mean while at got7 house ,markson room ,mark was shoked that jackson didn't say anything "jackson are you ok ",jackson:yeah iam fine why ",mark :you didn't ask anything '',jackson:about nana because i witnessed everything '',mark :so you spied on me '',jackson :hyung listen i didn't mean to do that '',mark :where are you going '',jackson going backwards slowly ''hyung jabal '',mark catches him and close the door ,jackson :HYUNG PLEASE ''.

Down staires jb :what was that ?'',jr :probably jackson and mark '',yugyeom :jackson must asked him about nana '',bambam i lucky mark she liked him '',jb :so the boy she liked was mark '',jr :yeah he was '', yongjea :junior did you know '',jr :sorry guys'',and he runs to his room quicly .meanwhile, in a small restaurent thereshe was miss wang sitting waiting for her blind date partner ,then a tall handsome man comes in and sit with her .....''are you miss wang '',he said ,she replied :ehh ....what ...yeah '', he said :iam mr lee seawon my friend arranged this ''.mrs wang :yeah me too i understand if you don't want to '',mr lee :no don't get me wrong but when he said that you have a kid i honestly thaught like 40 45 years old women '',mrs wand :ahhh iam 35 actually it is a long story with my child '',they then dined,then suddenlly a man get near them ''how could you miss wang i thaught we had somting '',mr lee:you are.....'',mrs wang :mr kim what are you doing '',mr kim : i heard about this and i couldn't stay still", mr lee:it seems like something is happening here i'll call you later '',and ne left ,mrs wang :MR KIM why do you want do you know what you just did ?'',mr kim :yeah i know and iam happy about it '',mrs wang left him '' he is 37 and idiote ''.


The morning has come nana got up to dress because she has a date she went down to eat breakfast ,her mom said :you look happy what is the reason ?'',her father :yes that is true '',nana :i have a date '',then joonil sat on the table ,her mom :what really with yonghwa '',nana : no '',joonil :he is a friend of ours no need to worry '',her father :good since you know him '',nana :i have to leave joonil oppa let's go '',joonil :excuse me but i have another job today since it is my free day '',nana :ohhh really ok bye bye '',and she left to where mark told her ... she saw him waiting for her under a tree so she hid behind it and '' boooo''

Mark :what...omg you stupid girl you shoked me '', nana :really sorry ....hehhehheheh '',mark stop laughing and let's go '',nana :where ?'',he grabbed her hand ''you'll see '',after 15 mn they got to games city ,nana :whoahh i wanted to come here '',mark :really let's go '',they played throwing balls on cups nana won him a teddy bear then they one to the dark house where nana huged mark ( he got nervouse but she didn't) ,then they ried the ofjfkf their hair got totally messed up ,after that nana : iam hungry aren't you '',mark :yeah let's go '',he took her to this small place where they sell ddoboki,mark said :it might seem poor but their food is yummy '',nana :i didn't say any thing '',and she got forword and sat on a table ,mark :that 's why i like you '',nana :markeu come on here i fee lonely '',( she shouwted ) ,then he sat with her and they ate after ,mark :iam full '',nana :me too ,i wanna buy a dress woud come with me '',mark iyeah sure '',ther in a store nana picked some dresses and started to try them out ,th first one was a short black dress ,nana :mark what do you think '',mark got to his sense after seeing her ''no too short '',the second one is long not covered from the back blue dress '',nana :mark mark ?'',mark :ahhh it is possible '',the third one is not too short with sparkeling on the chest pink dress ,nana :i like this one iam going with it '',mark :i like too '',

Then they baught it and left to te park to sit a littel bit ,mark layed down on the grass ,mark :sit it is nice '',nana :ok open your arm '',mark :why '',nana :so i can sleep on it '',mark :ohhh ok '',nana layed beside him ,nana :i applied for jyp and iam oig to show them on next week '',mark :what you are telling me this now '',nana :you think they'll accepte me '',mark :iam sure'',nana :but there will be a dating ban you know '',mark :we'll think about that when it time come '',then nana got up while mark is still laying down and kissed him '' you are a great boyfriend '',mark :thnks now sleep again '',and she did and he was looking to her face all the time .

Meanwhile ,jiyeon went to got7 place yongjea opened the door ''mark hyung is not here '',jiyeon :i know let me in first '',she got in and said :he is on a date '',yongjea :don't be sad '',jiyeon :iam not ,where is jackson oppa '', yongjea :still sleeping '',jiyeon :iam gong to wake him up '',and she went to markson room ,she opened the door and saw jackson laying on the ground so she got closer to him suddenlly he graned her neck which made he sleep next to him ,she said :jackson oppa '',jackson :shshs i wanna sleep '',she said :but .....'',jackson :what are you doin here ?'',she said :i just ....'',jackson :mark is not here '',then turned to his face ( so close but his eyes are close ) ''i came here for you '',she said ,(now jackson opened his eyes ) they got quicly and there jiyeon realized that jackson is half naked ,she said :yaaaaa how could you do that when you're naked '',jackson :and who told you to get in a boys room '',jiyoen :fine get dressed now i want you to go with me '',jackson :fine get out. ''.


Nana got up and mark wasn't there ,she grabbed her phone called him ''where are you ??'',mark :behind you '',she put the phone aside ''where did you go '',mark :i thaught that you would be thirsty so i braught some juice '',nana :thanks '',mark while drinking '' you know next time i'll take to see my familly '',nana : i would love too'' all of sudden a boy came near and said :excuse me are kim nana'',nana :yes '',the boy :this flowers are for you '',nana :thank you '',and he left ,mark :you're already chiting on me '',nana :funny heheh'',nana read what's on the card ''fromkimwoohyun'',she got up ,mark :what is wrong ?'',nana :it just......'',mark :what talk '',nana :the card says kim woohyun'',mark : do you him?( then he remembered what jackson told him) ,nana :he is ''.

Ps :nana was wearing whatbeasuzyiswearingonmediaforthedate

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