chapter 25 : DON'T YOU MISS HER

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( i don't stop asking me i wouldn't have broke up with her if i do ............i do but to do now )

Mark : i wanna broke up '',nana :what you 're joking right i don't like this kind of jokes '',mark :i really wanna broke up we 're done '',nana( total shock ) :did i do somthinf wrong...'',mark :no ...'',nana :yeah i know the story it 's me not you ...mark tell me really wrong ?'',she hold his hand ''we can solve it together '',mark let go of her hand and said :i don't wanna see you anymore ,i not that boyfriend you want plus iam bored i wanna know stuff '',nana started teary eyes ''i know you're not telling me the truth '',mark :i don't wanna be with someone who's familly may threatthe life of mine '',nana crying :you mean mom what did she do '',mark :nothing i don't wanna be with you anymore that all and he left running then nana ran after him ,she couldn't give up ,she knew that there were somthing else but she fell and mark saw her and didn't help her ,nana gave up and went home ,she saw her mother ,the mom :why are crying '',nana :because of you '',the mom :and what did i do '',nana :don't play innocent on me you've done somthing to mark ...he'd never leave me '',the mom :you're a stupid girl ..if he ''loves ''you would he be scared of me'',nana :what do you mean ??'',the mom :if he truely loves you he'd tell you that i threated him and you'd solve it together but what if ...'',nana :if what ??'',the mom :he didn't wanted to be with you in the first place ?'''nana left running to her room ,lied down on the bed ,crying and crying ,AND crying butthenshestoppedand said :no one desreves a tear from my eyes '',she got up ,packed her stuff ..then took a shower went back to bed a'd remembered all and started crying ''but he was spacial butiguesshappy things don't last forever''. Then she cried until she fell a sleep


Mark went to the house ,looked mad ,headed to his room smached the door and threw his body on the bed ,after 5 mn jackson enter :mark hyung what's wrong we were wondering '',mark :nothing ........'',jackson :are you sad because you won't be able to see nana ??'''mark :no iam not ...... actualy we broke up '',jackson :what you seemed happy this morning ....'',mark :i i broke up with her '',jackson :what why why you two suffered to be together '',mark :idon't love her anymore ....'',suddenlly the door opened and the other memebers fell down ,mark :you were listenning on us '',then bambam got up and said :you're such a jerk you know '',mark :ya. Iam your hyung ,jb say somthing '',jackso' :i guess you had your reasons but trust nana will never forgive you '',jr :he deserve it '',yongjea :you'll regret it '',jb :i think bambam is righ after all you are a jerk '',and they left the room ........before that a few seconds ,mark :she'll be happy''. is the first and the last time '',then she showered and went downstaires ,woohyun :nana :you're leaving today it's hasn't been so long since i came '',the father :it was her decision '',then he huged her and added ''you must work hard so i can see you soon on TV '',nana :thank you appa iam sorry for disspointing you before '',the father still huging her ''stupid girl i never thaught like that '',then her mom appeared :you're leaving '',and they sat to eat breakfast ,nana :yeah i won't be able to see you in monthes '',the mom :you seem happy about that '',nana :iam very happy '',the mom :is your boyfried coming to take you '',nana :nana we broke up good for you mom '',woohyun : i know i couldn't trust mark '',the father looking at his wife''i don't think that it was thier fault '',the mom :why are you looking at me honey '',nana :because you 're the reason but iam not mad at you i think that you are right '',the mom ;:how so ??'',nana :if he truly loved me he would told me that you've threated him and we cold solve it together '',the mom :see i was right '',nana looked at her dish :but iam not who he thinks iam ,i'll never forgive'',the mom :i like how you think '',woohyun :scary '',nan got up lifted her lagguge :after all iam my mother's daughter '',bowed and said :goodbye i'll call if i could '',nana went out side found the car waiting ,she got in and the driver was joonil ,and he said :iam at your service '',nana smiled :thank you oppa take me to JYP '',as he was driving joonil asked :you seem sad are you ok '',nana :iam it just i'll miss you all ''', joonil :i have heard about you and mark '',nana : i think that jackie told jiyeon and se told yoona and yoona told ÿou'',joonil :no jb told me '',nana :you could say iam right '',joonil :are you ok '',nana :iam don't worry '',joonil's JYP '',nana got out from the car ,and she saw got7 ,jiyeon ,yoona ,they all ran and huged her ,nana :i can't breath'',Jackson :iam gonna miss you '',yugyeom :all of us will ''.yoona:when it's time i'll call you to buy my wedding dress '',jb :nana mark ...'',nana :i dont care i dont wanna hear his name '',then seohyun came :nanashii it's time to go '',jiyeon :go go or you'll be late '',nana walked a few steps then looked to them and she formed a heart with her hand then she went in ......
Yongjea :she hates him '',jb :she lookes ..i don't know ..evil '',bambam :she lookes sad '',jackson :she' s not sad she's disppointed'',jr :maybe she'll revenge'',jackson :she won't do anything, except not for giving him '',joonil :i don't think she 's angry now but she loves him '',yoona :yeah he was her first '',jiyeon :now nana left ,mark is lonely again ..there's nothing we can do let's go home '',joonil :waite guys i'll go with you '',yoona :why is that .'',joonil :nana gave me somthing to mark '',so they did ,and hole this time mark was watching nana until she got into the building .....
There at got7 house joonil gave that box to mark opened it in his room
Found a recording caset ,he listened to it same as the others because he left the door open ,in the caset nana started talking '' oppa i ..i recorded this yesterday after ......after you left ,mark i know why left me just i thaught .....( she started crying same as he ) that we could fight together'd protect me from her ...that you could love me and never leave me alone but you did and now iam telling everyone...... that iam ok and i'll never forgive (she's crying even more )and that i'll never forgive but i did the moment .......(the others tears started falling) you left ,the good part is i wrote a song for you only you'' goodbye my love ''
Mark listen the song while crying and crying feeling guilty asking him self ''was the right thing to do ??'',and everyone felt sorry for them and jackson even cried ....but it's over and nothing can be done ,then jackson enter '' what 's the point of this now she left left and you won't see her for monthes '', mark :stop it's over now '',jb :why did you do it '',mark :she's just a girl '',jr :why are you crying then '',mark : i feel sorry for her '',jr :the's a lie '',bambam :won't you miss her '',mark :i won't i won't stop asking and leave me alone '',they all went out the room ,as soon as they did that mark put his headphones and listen to the song again ......
Nana went with seohyun ,she showed her the dorm that nana 's going to sleep and there were three other min ,jia,fie ( consider in your mind that miss a didn't exsiste before and thier are going to debut soon) ,nana bowed and introduced her self ,they welcomed her with big smiles and she direcrly gor along with min then seohyun said :mr park jiyoung wants to talk to you so you need to go to his office ,they went there ,welcomed mr park and his right hand by bowing 90degrees ,then they sat ,JYP :hello to our big familly '',jia :thank you sir '',JYP :you came today miss bae suji '',nana .....yes just now '',JYP :good now we won't talk to much i asked to come just to welcome you there will be meetings about you after '',min :are we going to debute soon as a band '',JYP :hhehe we hope so consedring you talents it 's seem so '',nana:so what's our band's name ?''!JYP :that we''ll be decides if we see your hard work by me '',jungmin :now you girls go to your dorm then relax or if you want you can make friends '',min :omg like with tacyeon oppa '',jia :aha and 2 am '',fie :impossible ...'',JYP :su-ji shiyou seem unexcited '',nana :the truth i am really tired that's all thank you for asking '',jungmin :now you dream life began you must work as hard as you can '',JYP :yes that true and never give up your dreams for somthing that doesn's deserve it '',they all said :thank you sir '',then they left to their new home .There they started to to talk girly stuff ,min :so let's start introducing our selfs '',jia :iam jia and iam chinese ,i can rap '',min :call me min iam korean i can dance '',fiefie :iam fie also chinese know singing dancing'',nana :iam bae suji iam a good singer i guess ..'',then they started having fun and playing around and thier story began :-) from now it's suzy not nana ......
---------------------------------------------after two monthes -------------------------------------nana called jackson telling him that she wants to meet them because it's her day free but she didn't come after and that was disspointed to got7 they thaught that she left them behind but at that night she called jackson again saying :jackieeee iam sorry you know what happen '',jackson :what what??'',nana:iam gonna debute '',jackson :what debute great '',( bambam :omg she's what '',jb :that why she didn't come '',mark didn't say anything but he git really happy '''nana :they decide my stage name '',jackson :and ....'',nana :it's suzy bae suzy nice right'',jackson :good really good '',nan :i have to go wait for the show case on 3/30 ok '',
Jackson :bye bye '',jr :so what happen '',jackson :she 's gonna debute in 3/30 '',bambam :so after a month '',jb :can't wait right mark hyung '',mark :don't care '',and he wait upstaires ....yongjea :he did that so he won't wash the dishes ......
---------------------------------------after another month ----------------------------------------
Min :don't be nevouse we got this '',suzy :yeah i know '',the maneger :miss a the stage now ....'',and they got up ,miss a ''hello this is miss a '',
Min :we are a new band of jyp hope we get your support '',the poeple are screaming ..,suzy :yea hello iam suzy pls enjoy '',min : iam min have fun ''jia :hello iam jia your girl '',fie :iam fie you want '',the poeple started laughing ..suzy saw jiyoung and woohyun only because there were too many .....then the show started with the song only you after they sat ,min :so our song is about what a girl do when she's in love '',jia :to show all '',fie :you must be wondering why pink ?'',suzy :that 's because it 's sexy but express a girl shy in the same time '',jia :other then only you there's. I caught ya '',min :written by suzy '',the crowed made a huge fus ''sing sing '',so they did ...then stuck ......then love song ..after that they close with only you again leaving every one admiring and shockin .....

With all love kim nana

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