chapter 14 : it 's just why now ????

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!mark said : sandra what are you doing here ", she pretend to be sad " i thought that you are going to be happy ",mark : it not that I am not happy it is I am just ......",Sandra : okay okay ,hi guys how are you " ,jb : we are fine and you ", Sandra : I am also fine as you can see ,and you miss can I know your name " ,and she lift her hand to handshake nana ,but nana : I don't want to"' and she got inside the house mark looked at her entering but Sandra said : weird girl why is she here ", Jackson : she is our friend right mark ",mark : yeah she is ", Sandra : doesn't matter let's go inside " ,so they did and went and sat in the living room Sandra :this the first time I see your house clean ",bammie :that is because nana takes care of him",jr :about her I am going to check on her ",so hE left to the room and he nocked the door but nana didn't answer so he opened directly found nana covered her self totally and he said :nana are you okay ?",nana :ehh iam fine just leave me to rest ",Jr:what is wrong ha ",nana:"nothing I wanna take a nap that is all ",Jr :show me you face why are covering it "and he takes off the blanket "where you crying ??",Nana:no it is something went in my eyes so plzz just let me sleep OK ",Jr left her and nana thiniking "did he dout it omg why did she have to be here now ",downstairs Jr didn't tell anyone because he thought that nana wanna leave it a secret but then Sandra said :is she okey ",Jr :ohh she is ",yugyeom :carrying noona as always ",mark :when did you comeback ",Sandra :yesterday and I am living up in front of rich family",mark :what is their name",Sandra : the kim they owe the FC company "mark :that is nana's family ",Sandra:but if she is rich why she is here",Jackson:that is a personal thing she tell you if she likes ",then nana joins them and says :tell her what ?" Sandra: you are right Jackie",nana : iam sorry about before i had something in mind ,so iam kim nana ", Sandra: don't worry ,and I am Sandra park hope we can be friends ",Nana: me too ,guys iam leaving ", jb :to where ?", nana : i am going to work plus joonil oppa want to meet me ", mark :why does he ", nana : i don't know,I am telling SO you don't get worry I might be late ",Jackson : good bye'' ,and she left ,sandra said :who is joonil '', mark :another friend of ours '', sandra :it seems you made alot of friendships'',jackson :it looks so '',mark :let's go outside '',sandra :yeah sure '', and they left jackson :hyungs iam leaving jiyeon wants me '',jb :really '',jackson :wierd right ?? '',jr :yeah she probably would ask you about mark '',jackson:like what she knows every single thing about him ''. and he left ,jiyeon called him because she wanted him to help since he strong and all so there at her house she was moving her franeture to her bigsister room since she left to college ,while moving jackson was complaining "ahh you only know ma when you need me ,iam you servent ", and he complained and complaied ", why didn't call mark ", jiyeon didn't say anything but their faces met and he was still talking so she kissed him to shute him and he said " ya what are you doing " ,jiyeon: i did it to shut you up ", jackson; like there was no other way but kissing ", jiyoen ; idoite me plus i didn't only want to do this i wanted to help buy somthing ", jackson:for mark that is wierd", jiyoen: no for nana she saved me alot and i never thank her back", jackson: got touched "you are sweet girl you know", jiyoen : what doees she like ", jackson :" i don't what she likes now but she doesn't seem to be changed alot ", so after finishing they went to the mall and baught somthing to nana........

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mark choose a place to sit in so they entered this cafe , the waitress came near them and said :what would you like to drink ",sandra lookin down " a cup of black coffe ", mark : i want .......nana you work here ", nana: yes mark i do work here ", sandra looked up at her , mark : but where is joonil ", nana : he is there with yoona ", mark saw them,nana : what do you wannna drink i have to work ",          mark: orenge juice please " , and she went then mark :you wanna know our new friends ", sandra : yeah sure ", and they went to sit with them ,mark : guys hey can we sit with you ", joonil:yes sure who is ??  sandra : iam sandra park you must be joonil ", joonil :yeah nice to meet you and this ", yoona :iam lee yoona ",nana braught the order to them except for mark because she wanted it to be fresh and said :hope you enjoy ", mark : and mine" , nana : it'll be ready soon ",joonil : ahhhh you sound like a real waitress ", nana : but don,t i look cute in this outfit ", joonil : emm yes you do ", then she left ,sandra :you look cute toghether ", joonil:but we are not ", yoona :see they look like they are", mark :but jooil likes nana but she doesn't",sandra : really that is so ....", yoona: youdon't have to be so mean ",mark ;i wasn't ",sandra: he is always like this harsh ", yoona : we know that and how it feels", then nana came :here it is mr arrogante ", mark : stupid girl why are you late ",nana was about to say somthing but her boss was listening ,nana:hpoe you enjoy you juice mr mark ", and she went back to serve other clients ,yoona had to leave because her mother wanted her at the company then suddenlly jiyeon appeared from nowhere " sandra unnie ", sandra :jiyeona how are you i missed you alot ", jiyeon:me too ", and she sat down ,nana came : jiyeon you are here ", jiyeon : unnie you work here ", joonil and mark : unnie when ????", nana: yeah there is somthing wierd here ", sandra : why you are not friends ", jiyeon : we are i want to drink lemon juice ok ", nana : yeah right away ", jiyeon : waite i braught you wothing ", nana opened the pack and she found a stuffy red bear and said : how did you know that i like pupies like this it is so cute ", jiyeon : jackson told me ", nana : thank you alot and she gave to mark and said : so i wown't forget to take it ok " ,mzrk nodded with suprising face that jiyeon did that ,joonil said: guys i have to leave now ok ", jiyeon :me too my sister is leaving i must come back", joonil :why did you come ", jiyeon :a friend of mine saw mark with a girl andshe said that he is on a date so...", sandra : you still like him ", jiyeon : that is the reason why i used to hate you ", joonil: why is that ", nana suddelly "she is his ex girlfriend , here jiyeon drink it before you leave ", joonil:ahh and now you are back toghether ", nana: you are ", jiyeon:what no really , mark oppa ", mark :no itis not like that ", jooil:now i really need to go come on jiyeonii",nana also went back to her work so it is mark and sandra,mark: so why did comeback", sandra :my father is here so i came to help you know ",mark : for how long", sandra: for a week so i'll leave soon ", mark : that is sad but what to do ", sandra:mark aboue us ....", nana came back to them :i finilly finished great ", mark :good for you ", sandra :mark since iam leaving next week you should spend more time with me ", mark : but i have a practice for my and nana duet ", sandra: please please oppa ", and this time nana is feeling ignored ,mark:nana can we ", nana: why are you asking me it not my decision ", sandra grabbed his hand and took him away , nana went to the school to practice and she did alot and alot until she got very tired "stupid boy ,how could he leave me like that ,why did she come back now it 's just why now ", and she remembred the way she took his hand the one that she never touched and went back to dancing

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After having fun with mark sandra went back home so did mark , so when mark entered the house jackson said;where is nana ", mark :what she is not with me ", jb :it is late and she haven't rturned yet ", bammie ;we asked joonil hyun and he said she was with you ", mark : that stupid girl she dancing now ", and they all headed to school found her sleeping on the floor so mark was about to lift her but she woke up and said : leave me i can go alone ", bammie:nana why did you dance this much after studying and working ", nana: i had sth on my mind that is all ",jr helo her hand and said ;let me help you and i need to talk to you after we get home ok", nana: yeah sure 

thay got home nana took a shower and got dressed yongjea gave her dinner ans she went to the balcony to sit with junior and he said : nana i don't want to make you feel unconfortable ", nana :what i will understand ", jr : MARK don't you ", nana kept in silence and then said : how could you conclue that" , jr: you are looking like a jealouse person right now since sandra came ", nana: and jiyeon why didn't i fell like that ", jr : because you know mark doesn't like her ", nana: promise me you wown't tell anyone ", jr : i do i felt this when you went to your room that day ", nana: it just i don't know what iam feeling , liking him i don't know ,i hate his hair , his eyes whe he look at me ,his voice when he talks but even so i want to hear him say my name , i want him to look at me only me ", jr: so youdo like him why don't you tell him ', nana: but he doesn't plus i am not sure ", jr : it is your decision after all ", nana:you promised you wown't sa a word and if you do ", jr : iwown't don't worry ", nana: ahhhh it feels much better after talking you know ", jr: when ever you need me just come and talk to me ok i'll listen ", nana: i'll d that , now goodnight i am really tired ", jr: yeah let's go to sleep", and both of them went to sleep ,nana entered the room and jackson was sleeping with jb and yongjea, so she saw mark sleeping she came near his face and touched his skin and said : how can an arrogante boy like have this cute face ", mark :so iam cute you confessed ",nana ;ahhh so emparresing ", mark : why didn't you want me to help back then ", nana : i don't like you touching me ",mark: and you touching my face is good ", nana : you are not going to leave alone right", mark : no i wown't ", then he add" iam sorry i left you i souldn't do that ", nana: don't worry your girlfriend is much importante then me ", mark : but she is .......", nana: i am tired i need to go to sleep ", mark:yah you should ", and they turned the lights off 

hey guys , hope you enjoy this part it seems really promissing and even iam waiting what is going next soooooo please leave a voote or comment because i don't want to feel like iam writing for nothing ok look forward to the next part ************fighting***************


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