chapter 28 : a chance to see again

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" are going Back to school"

Jyp anounced to Suzy while they were having a meeting

"You'll attend your old school plus there is another idol ...."jyp he added

Suzy looked at him " can I ask who he ...".

"Park chanyeol ...."jyp answered .

She didn't recognise the name ... Since she didn't follow other idols "who ...I didn't hear the name before ".

"You'll know him when school start after tomorrow now go get the recomendations from seohyun ".

"Ne ...."she bowed and about to go out from the office
"Suzy ...."jyp called her "tell me more about got7".
"They are an amazing groub you cab see their videos on YouTube ...".she recommended .

"Seems that they are you friends ".he said getting out a paper .

"Best friends actually .....".she corrected looking at the paper "sir what is that for ?".

"It where I going to write the date of the meeting with them which you are going to plan for "jyp told her .

"Omg....really "she got up bowed "thank you Sir a lot they'll be happy ".
Then she bowed again and got out and all she thought" I got the chance to see him every day ".

Jiyeon's mother took her daughter aboard so she can get the cure there us she wanted her away from jackson and got7.when got7 heard this they tried to confort Jackson until suzy called Jackson:"Nana..I mean Suzy...".
Suzy : you can call me Nana is annoying that you keep hearing you mistaking ".

"Fine",he exhaled,"it's more comfortable actually so I was about call you ".

"What's wrong ?",she wondered "is jiyeon OK ?".

Jackson answered with "yeah but her mom took her away ...a board so I won't see her away .."

"Jacksonaa I don't know what to say ....but at least you know she's fine right ...".she tried helping him

"Guess you're right .....what cdid you wanna say....".Jackson wiping his eyes from some tears..

"Ahhhh right " she remembered "give me jb".

"Hi Nana what's wrong ???",jb said to her in wonder.
And she told him that jyp in thinking of signing a contract with them and that he wants to meet them tommorrow" .

"WHAT ......Nana are the best ".jb said with a huge happiness .

"I have to go see you guys at school ....".and she hang up.

Bambam: what did she say that made happy ???".and he told them everything .

As soon as mark heard this he remembered what she said ..and said to him self " yeah that my girl ".

Then all of a sudden jb said : she told me see ya at school ...".

Jr: that means she's coming to study .....with us ".

Yugyeom: that 's good right ...?".

Bambam: good ....that 's great will get to see her a lot .....".
Mark was in a total shock but in the same time felt happy ......
"like every chance... . finely",he said a little out loud and then got out the house .

"one of us must be really happy", jb said looking at mark getting out ....
"Ya park chanyeol hurry up ".key said with a loud voice .

"Coming ..I need to buy the uniform first ".chanyeol responded while checking some clothes but chin said

:"you lier you looking for new shirts plus you already bought the uniform".chin came out from nowhere

"I have to look good at school since Suzy is going there ",he said while getting out the door but hr pumped in a guy .
The guy :sorry .." Bowed and left
Chin:" I steel don't get how it's possible to like a person without knowing him ".

"Ohhh yeah because you are a cold blood " .he tried teasing chin ....getting in the car .
In the car but didn't leave yet
Listening to thier song "call me baby" but then chin changed to miss a love song .
Chin : you know she is beautiful ...".
Chanyeol: I don't know why I get this feeling when I see her ".
Chin:I thought you like her ???".
Chanyeol: it's not like that ...I want to get to know her ...".suddenly the sleeping key said : that's my friend the definition of liking someone now shshshshshsh in wanna sleep ".

Chanyeol layed his head on the seat
Thinking. "So I like her ".

Chin:listen guys ...her name ...ahh chanyeol she's here go go ".

And he got up and went back go the shop

"I have to look good that day.....",mark said then he touches his shoulder "that guy really hurted me suddenly a lot of noise happenes out side the shop .

"Suzy ...Suzy unnie ",fans calling Suzy's name .

"She's here ...why ..",mark hide behind a bunch of clothes but Suzy saw him .

"Why are you hiding ", she looked under the clothes "you're not short you know ".

Mark was about to talk until "hi miss Suzy ..",chanyeol said smiling making Nana looking to his face .at first she looked at him ,to his smile ,all "excuse who .....",she woke up and asked .

"U don't know me really !!!!".he was suprised "I am park chanyeol".

"Ahhh you are the idol that 's gonna attend school with me ",she reconised him but she remembered mark. "Mark are u OK ",and he gets up "yeah I am ....ohhhh you are who pumbed in me ...",mark said.

"Me ...."chanyeol got a little bit angry "it was u not me ".

"Yeah yeah ...I have to go now " Suzy said and quickly bought a shirt "mark give it Jackson OK bye ". She bowed again "goodbye Mr chanyeol ". And she left leaving then looking at her but then they looked at each other and said in the same time
"Whatcha looking at ...".thank God that chin came and took chanyeol and mark got a phone call
Mark : hey jb what's up ??"
Jb: come now JYP in in our house ".
Mark : what !!!!!....coming ".

Hi every one hopes you like it plz follow me on instegram @iam a crazzy girl .and twitter @nanakim584
For any more infos don't be shy to send a message on my email
Hope u enjoy plus the pic is what Suzy wear to shop

With all love Kim nana

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