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*✧·゚:* DEAD TO ME *:·゚✧*

*✧·゚:* DEAD TO ME *:·゚✧*

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"FUCK POTIONS," INDIANA muttered, arm in arm with Nancy, as the latter of the two practically dragged her inside the dark classroom. Not only did they share Potions with the Gryffindors, but Indiana had never quite enjoyed it like Nancy had. Nancy was a natural potioneer, even Snape had had enough sense to acknowledge the girls natural talent when he was still alive. Indiana, on the other hand, was positively average at it. And if there was one thing that Indiana hated, it was being average. "Why did I agree to take this again?"

"Because I'm here," Nancy said pleasantly. "And I need this class to become a Healer. And you love me."

"Fuckin' Gryffindors," Indiana muttered as they walked by Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas, who were foolishly throwing a sopophorus bean across the table.

"Quit it," Nancy scolded lightly. "I don't need you bringing your negativity in here, kay? Good vibes only!"

"You sound like bloody Trelawney," Indiana slumped into her seat, dropping her bag to the floor as she watched Nancy set up their shared cauldron for the day. "I'm just saying. Why couldn't we have shared this class with the Ravenclaws or something? At least they're decent to be around."

"Okay Miss I-wonder-if-Fred-Weasley-would-hook-up-with-me —" Nancy started, to which Indiana rose out of her seat and smacked her violently on the arm. Nancy laughed loudly and continued to set up the cauldron.

"Fuck you," Indiana scowled, although her cheeks had a tinged a brilliant pink. "What did you go bringing that up for? Bitch."

"Just sayin'," Nancy shrugged, smiling with her teeth clamped around her tongue a bit. Indiana huffed, tapping her foot a bit out of annoyance as Professor Slughorn gathered his things at the front of the classroom. Draco and Blaise soon joined them at their table, the former looking as though he just rolled out of bed and the latter amused.

"Good morning," Blaise hummed as he sat down as Draco ran his hands through his hair; it had curled up a bit at the ends, giving the impression that he hadn't had time to do it up.

"Who says?" Indiana replied jokingly, her face resting in her palms. Looking at Draco's disheveled appearance, she commented, "You look absolutely awful."

"Do I?" Draco muttered, dropping into his seat with a sigh. "Fuckin' Blaise didn't wake me up."

"Never said I would," Blaise quipped. "Anyways, if you're done complaining, are the rumors true?"

"Rumors?" Indiana repeated idly. "What rumors?"

"There's supposed to be a party tonight," Blaise cleared up. "Slytherin Common Room. Draco, you heard?"

"Oh, fuck, I forgot," Draco rubbed his head, grimacing. "Right after Quidditch, I think, yeah."

"Alright, you lot!" Slughorn chirped from the front of the classroom, to which the chatter about the class quieted down to nothing. Draco was still fiddling with his hair and Nancy's fingers were drumming excitedly on the edge of the table, full attention towards Slughorn. "Something new, today!"

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