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*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

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INDIANA, ALTHOUGH NEVER being a Prefect, had been in the Prefect's Bathroom many times before. Her sixth year, in an attempt to forget about the inky mark on her arm or the task that Draco had been forced to complete, had been a whirlwind of Indiana gaining every bit of sexual experience a sixteen year old girl could possibly get. 

Nancy had begged her to be careful ("There's an epidemic going on in America, you know, an auto-immune disease!"), but even then, she needed something to take her mind off of things. She had been so desperate that she had even taken up Draco on his many offers; she didn't enjoy it as much as she did, that's for sure. Blondes weren't really her type.

But being a Quidditch Captain gave her easy access to the room; no more Draco sneaking her in, or begging Pansy Parkinson to just give her the password for one night and then offer to Obliviate her afterwards. And hey! Indiana had only hooked up with one person this year! That had to be an accomplishment, right? Even if they were a head-pushing, lousy sixth year who didn't care much about getting her off?

Her favorite part of the bathroom had to be the many taps around the perimeter of the pool-sized bathtub. Sweet-smelling soap would pour into the hot water and build up fluffy clouds of bubbles that covered her just enough to make her feel like one of those models in fancy American magazines she found in Nancy's dorm that one time.

"Oooo, Indiana's back! She's back!" came a shrill, annoying voice from the far end of the room, loud over the soft music of the Muggle CD players the girl had snagged from Nancy. Indiana let her head fall back behind her, her elbows resting by her head as the bubbles just barely covered the cups of her breasts. "No boys this time?"

"Get outta here, Myrtle," She replied boredly without looking over. "I'm all sore from practice, I'm not in the mood for gossiping."

"You should bring in that handsome boy," Myrtle let out a shrill giggle. "With the abs —"

"Ugh, I am not getting with Ambrose ever again," Indiana scoffed, shaking her head a bit and re-adjusting her hair so it wasn't dipping in the water. "He was poking my you-know-what like it was a damn button — didn't even listen to a word I said."

"Oh, but he was so cute —!"

"Myrtle!" Indiana lifted her head up to make eye contact with the young ghost. She pursed her transparent lips and did a loop in the air out of frustration. "Outta here!"

Myrtle huffed, but condensed herself inside of one of the pies again, and with a whoosh!, Indiana knew she was gone. Myrtle had always bothered her, but she had helped Draco a ton during the time of his task, so Indiana had to give her some props. Someone had to have been there for him, and god knows she wasn't. She had always felt slightly bad about that.

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