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*✧·゚:* DEAD TO ME *:·゚✧*

*✧·゚:* DEAD TO ME *:·゚✧*

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HARRY HADN'T BEEN sure how to feel after detention with Jones was finished. She had gone uncharacteristically quiet after he called her awful, not saying more than three words and keeping her eyes on the empty Quidditch pitch; well, more importantly, away from him. When it came down to it, he didn't think he had any significant connection with her, but he didn't like the way his chest felt when he saw the look on her face.

When he walked along the corridor in the dungeons to leave Slughorn's room, he was surprised for it to be silent as he went past the Slytherin common room. If Jones had been telling the truth, there was to be a party happening, perhaps they actually had been courteous and used a Silencing Charm.

Ron and Hermione had questioned him when he returned, mostly them wondering if Jones had given him a hard time. Harry himself had, in all honesty, been disappointed but not surprised with the outcome of the detention. Before it started he had had the fleeting idea that perhaps, for the first time in forever, he and Jones would get along. Enjoy each other's company, maybe.

He knew that if he were in Slytherin he would have been friends with her. He had moderately enjoyed speaking with her on the Hogwarts Express during his first year, and he remembered he had been forced to partner with her for a Herbology project in second year. She hadn't been very good friends with Malfoy, then. She was polite to him.


"I'M USLESS AT Herbology," Jones confessed quietly, her gloves ten times bigger than her actual hands gripping the sides of the empty Mandrake pot. "I'd say I w-wished I could help you, but I don't. M-Mandrake's are a bit nasty, don't you think?"

"Hideous," Harry commented, adjusting his earmuffs. "Ready?"

"I suppose," Jones shrugged, scrunching up her nose. "Go for it."

Instead of roots, a small, muddy, and extremely ugly baby popped out of the earth. The leaves were growing right out of his head. It had pale green, mottled skin, and was clearly bawling at the top of its lungs. Jones' shoulders shrugged up as though to cover her ears, her hands holding the pot down. Harry quickly lowered the screeching Mandrake into the pot, and together the pair of them piled the dark compost over it until only the leaves were visible.

"You ought to pull out the next one," Harry told her as another pot slid down to them, the leaves of the Mandrake twitching slightly. Jones grimaced, screwing up her face.

"Do I have to?" She asked him. Harry laughed at her reaction and nodded his head, pushing the pot so it was in front of her. Sighing, she gathered her mane of curls to the back of her head and tied them into a low ponytail, the sides of her cheeks and jaw now clearly visible. "Oh, fine. You're on pot-duty, though."

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