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*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

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HARRY POTTER WAS a prude. He knew it and so did his friends, and it wasn't until Indiana Jones came along that he actually felt embarrassed of it. Before she came along, he had only kissed two people; Cho Chang in his fifth year (who had been crying the entire time) and Ginny Weasley, who although he had enjoyed his time with, had dumped him before the new school year started due to simply not feeling anything for him anymore.

He had not gone further than snogging with Ginny. A part of him had been afraid, he thought, and insecure about his lack of knowledge. No one had ever bothered or been there to explain to him how to do things, or what things were, or anything of the sort. And there was no way in hell he was going to ask Ron exactly how to make a girl orgasm.

He hadn't quite thought about kissing too many people, either. When he first met Oliver Wood, maybe he had been a bit too impressed by his flying skills, and then came Cho Chang, but along with Cho Chang came Cedric Diggory. Fourth year had been a very confusing time for dear Harry, between that stupid Triwizard Tournament or watching Cedric and Cho at the Yule Ball and trying to figure out which of them he wanted to be dancing with. Ginny had been simply a fling, and although a part of him truly always did love Ginny, he couldn't even think of shagging her without cringing.

And then came Indiana Jones. And suddenly he was thinking about those things too much. But what had truly terrified him was that it had gone beyond thinking about snogging or sex. It had become simple acts of intimacy like hand-holding; it became Quidditch matches on the same team; smiling at one another in the halls; being able to run his hands into hair and maybe even have her run her hands through his. And these thoughts scared him more than the sexual ones.

The weeks had flown by faster than he thought they could, and as February turned into March, Harry was aware that his final year at Hogwarts would be over sooner rather than later. Although he should have been focusing on Quidditch, or perhaps his grades, he was too busy trying to come up with ways to stop the Ministry from tossing Jones into Azkaban.

He had spoken to Zabini once more after the duel in the corridor, in which he inquired about the dates of the Slytherin girls' trials. Zabini had informed him that they were May 22nd and 23rd, and that she would be forced to spend the night in between in an Azkaban cell. She had no one defending or testifying for her, nor was there any sort of a case supporting her other than that she had been forced to be branded with the mark.

Surprisingly, it had been Ron that inquired first as to why Harry had been spending so much time in the library reading books about magical law. He had sat down in front of him, looking bewildered at the ever-so-large textbook in front of his best friend. Harry hadn't even noticed his presence at first.

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