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*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

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TW: child abuse :/


"I SIMPLY CANNOT understand how someone could be so irrefutably inane!"

Indiana Jones' chocolate colored iris' were staring inwardly in front of her, her mind's eye trying its absolute hardest to pretend as though Jack Jones was not staring before her. Perhaps she could imagine she were elsewhere, but just as she reached the brink of drifting off, that booming bass of a stern voice would bring her back. It always brought her back.

"Have I taught you nothing, daughter?" He bellowed, his being so very close to her that she felt if she had breathed too heavily he would only grow angrier. "You would think a Captain with such an aptitude towards Quidditch would know it is nothing short of moronic to aim a Bludger with such force at another player!"

Indiana could not and would not respond. She had practically trained herself to not utter more than a few words whilst being scolded, for she knew she sometimes lacked the ability to control the things she articulated towards others. No, not a sound would escape from her until the man was out of her sight and out of earshot.

"You stupid, stupid girl," He scowled, shaking his head with such great disappointment tracing his aged features that Indiana could not help the twisting of guilt in her stomach. "You are quite lucky we are not in the Manor, or else your punishment would have been most severe. Most severe, indeed."

The silence was killing her, creeping into her ears and into her brain where it festered up into a large clump like a snowball growing larger as it tumbled. Her heart was thumping in her eardrums, and the mere idea of meeting her father's eyes caused a rather strong feeling of nausea in her stomach.

"You mustn't be stepping a toe out of line during your remaining time here, daughter," He hissed, and when Indiana glanced at his face, her stomach twisted at the obvious lack of guilt or pity. "For it is unlikely the Ministry will find you innocent. If I find out that your remaining days as a free girl have been spent with such foolishness as this, Azkaban will be the least of your worries. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Fa — fa —"


"We have been through this many times!" He roared, and Indiana knew better than to bring a hand up to soothe the redness of her cheek. "I will not stand for such idiocy under my own name. You will speak properly, as a Pureblood lady should."

Acknowledging that I'm not a bloke, are you? Indiana thought bitterly. You'd think after seventeen years he'd notice I don't have a penis between my legs.

"Indiana!" He snapped. "I will not be repeating myself!"

She inhaled a shaky breath, clenching her fists at her sides. "Yes, fa — father."

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