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*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

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THANK GOD FOR Hermione, really, because without her, Harry would have been completely lost with his plan. Surprisingly, he had been aided by Blaise Zabini himself, who, once he had gotten wind of Harry's smart yet risky plan, decided to take it upon himself to help as best he could. The Slytherin and Hermione clashed a bit, but both students were so smart Harry couldn't risk not having either one's help.

Magical Law was tricky, but something being difficult hadn't stopped Harry before. Clad in a sharp black suit that Zabini had transfigured from a blue t-shirt and sweatpants, Harry Potter entered the Ministry of Magic with a puddle of nerves in the pit of his stomach and a small stack of parchment in his hand, that of which was littered with notes and tips from Hermione and Zabini.

He checked his watch in a panic; it was 12:34 PM. He was already late; he picked up his pace and prayed that they hadn't done too much just yet. His leather shoes click-clacked on the floor, the sound reverberating about the dark hallways. He could feel the chill of the courtroom even from down the corridor; he wondered if they still had dementors present for trials. Harry's stomached turned; could Indiana even preform a patronus?

When he slammed the doors to the courtroom open, it fell silent at his presence. In the mid-point of the circular courtroom, there lied a tall, roundish black cage-like cell with a person inside, and upon further examination, Harry felt sick to his stomach. It was Indiana, it had to be; between the head of wild curls to the muscles of her legs, he had no trouble recognizing her.

The Judge (who's tag read JUDGE CONIFER) was a pale, bony man, and his jaw dropped open when he set eyes on Harry. All of those in the rows of people turned around to rest their eyes upon him, and although he could feel a swarm of flutters in his stomach from his anxiety of the situation, he carried on, strutting through the aisle like he owned the place until he stood in the front of the courtroom.

Indiana looked like she had been through the mill, that's for sure; her face was pale, paler than he had ever quite seen; her eyes had a look to them that led him to believe she had not slept an inch. Her gray striped uniform fit her well, but it hung low on her collar and from there he could see the black ink of those same tattoos that Sirius had when he escaped Azkaban. She locked eyes with him, those big brown eyes of hers filled to the brim with tears of disbelief. He only allowed himself to stare at her for a moment before he turned back to the judge.

"Harry Potter," Judge Conifer said after a long moment. "Whatever are you doing here?"

"I'm here on behalf of Indiana Jones," Harry said carefully and confidentially, not letting those in the court hear the tremor of his voice. From inside the black cage-like cell, he heard Indiana gasp and place her chained hands over her eyes. "As a witness, and in her defense"

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