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*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

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HARRY WAS NERVOUS. Which, on it's own, wasn't much of a phenomenon, considering Harry was nervous with about 60% of the things he did, especially when they involved Indiana. But when she had told him she wanted to host for all of her friends... he hadn't even known what to do.

"Oh, c'mon, we're not in school anymore," she had told him in a fruitless attempt to soothe his worries. "They're not gonna treat you badly. Not if I'm there. And Draco would bring Astoria so she'd keep him in line."

"It's Malfoy," Harry had deadpanned. "And Zabini. They hate me."

"Blaise does not hate you," Indiana corrected him defensively. "After the whole trial thing, he's warmed up. Draco, he... oh, can you please just tolerate him for like five hours? I promise I won't leave you alone with him... oh! I can invite Hermione and Weasley... oh, but Weasley and Draco in the same room is never good..."

They had went back and forth about the affair for a very long time, indeed. In the end, they had settled for this: Ron and Hermione would come over, along with Blaise, Theo, and Nancy. Theo had just returned home from Bulgaria for Ministry business, so he'd be late, but Draco had to stay home with Astoria due to an illness she had picked up.

They had invited Simon as well, but he said he had a very special date that he didn't want to miss. Indiana told him if he didn't go on the date, she'd kill him. God knows that boy could use some romance in his life.

"Woah, this is some place!" Nancy had said in awe; she had been first to arrive. The thick, British accent that usually held her words had melted into a very faint American one, due to the many years she had spent in the United States with her father. She had traded her glittery eye makeup to classy, black eyeliner, and when she showed up, she was sporting a red lip and holding a delicate looking hand bag.

"You look hot!" Indiana told her with a grin. Nancy waved a hand dismissively, although her plump lips curled up into a knowing sort of smirk. "Shit, Nance!"

"I look hot? You look hot!" Nancy flung her arms around Indiana's shoulders and pulled her tight; the two girls swayed back and forth with the force of the hug, holding their places in one another's embrace. "You're gonna be such a MILF, I swear."

"Oh, you little —" Indiana whacked her on the arm, pulling away. Nancy grinned behind her, where Harry had just entered the foyer.

"Potter!" Nancy exclaimed brightly. Harry smiled. "You look... taller? Somehow?"

"He's a late bloomer, he's only just catching up!" Indiana teased, nudging his shoulder as she and Nancy brushed by him. He turned scarlet and scrunched his nose up.

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