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*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

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WARNING: mature content. i got a little carried away.



GROWING UP, INDIANA had never been one for getting dolled up. At least, not without her mothers help, that was. This time, however, she had the help of her newest friend — a Halfblood girl named Nancy Woods. Indiana had ignored her for most of her first three years at Hogwarts due to her blood status, but when she saw the copious amount of makeup Nancy had and the talent the girl had with it, Indiana figured it was really alright to speak with her.

Nancy, she soon learned was a master with an eyeshadow brush, as well as a hair brush. Indiana hadn't expected to look as good as she did for the Yule Ball, but here she was. And so, with her arm linked around Nancy's, the two girls made their way down to the Great Hall side by side. Who cares if Nancy was Halfblood? She made Indiana laugh until her stomach hurt and brightened any room she walked into.

"This is lame," Draco Malfoy remarked snobbishly, tugging at the velvet collar of his black dress robes. At his arm, Pansy Parkinson frowned.

"Can't we go dance?" she whined, her ruffled pink dress wilting. Draco huffed. Indiana rolled her dark eyes, glancing around the room.

"C'mon, Blaise," Indiana beckoned. "Nancy, you too. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to Draco complain."

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Nancy said brightly, skipping forward, the colored clips in her hair twinkling under the snowflake lights. Indiana picked up the train of her green gown and sped up behind her, taking a deep breath and trying to breathe as best she could (it was difficult with the corset built into her gown). "Wish they'd play the Spice Girls or something!"

"Who're they?" Blaise asked curiously, tugging at the hem of his robes as though adjusting them. Indiana, not caring about the Spice Girls (she would care very much in the future, however), allowed her eyes to trail across the hall to see the other dresses and dates of her peers.

She saw Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass looking cheerful together, as well as Hermione Granger and — Viktor Krum? That's a shock! Then, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan dancing like animals (Fucking Gryffindors...). Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang, who was wearing a gown that made Indiana's jaw drop a little. And then — she could've laughed — Harry Potter. All by his lonesome!

Well, that wasn't the whole truth. He had been sitting with Parvati Patil and Ron Weasley, but the former got up and left. So poor Potter sat on his own, looking miserable, with Weasley at his side, looking equally as miserable. She really shouldn't... but when would she get an opportunity like this?

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