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*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

*✧・゚:* DEAD TO ME *:・゚✧*

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RIGHT BEFORE BREAK, Indiana had received a single letter from her father. The wording had been concise and the parchment had been crisp; not a single drop of ink out of place, nor was there a single misspelled word. Simon, her younger brother, had not received a letter. She had not allowed him to read hers.

To my daughter, Indiana —

You will not be returning back to the Manor for this year's Holiday. You are to stay at school and focus on your studies. Keep going over your Quidditch plays, young lady; keep that damn Keeper in line and make sure that other Beater knows what he's doing. I'll be attending your next game. Don't disappoint.

Jack Jones

Simon, however, had returned home. Indiana sent the presents for her brother and her father back home to the Manor and could only hope they'd receive them in time. Simon had gifted her with new stirrup covers for her Firebolt (she never liked stirrup covers, but she was appreciative of the gift either way). She had received no presents from her father.

Nancy got her a rather large collection of Muggle hair products; a rather sweet smelling protein treatment, a new co-wash, and — of course — a brand new bottle of Farrah Fawcett Hairspray (she didn't dare let Blaise or Draco see it). Blaise and Theo had joint forces to buy her a Holyhead Harpies poster signed by Captain Gwenog Jones (although, Theo had gotten her a dinky little bracelet as well), and Draco had bought her a rather expensive looking necklace (leave it to Draco to buy her something she'd probably never wear).

She hadn't been able to stop thinking about what Draco had told her after the Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff match. He had communicated to her that he believed the Gryffindors, specifically Potter, had the intention of turning her into the Ministry, exposing her role as an ex-Death Eater in order to send her off to Azkaban.

Of course, Indiana had thought this to be barmy, but then she remembered how Potter had glanced down at her left forearm that night in the Prefect's Bathroom; oh god, she couldn't start thinking about the night in the Prefect's Bathroom again... she might not ever stop.

Classes had been unexpectedly hard in the new year. The year was now 2000, and it seemed Slughorn had taken it upon himself to assign a project on Amortentia, which, by the way, was due on Valentine's Day. Funny guy. Luckily, students could choose their partners, so Indiana took advantage of Draco's expert potioneer skills and dragged him along with her.

Indiana had found herself to be rather knowledgable on Amortentia after she had to do that stupid research project on it with Potter back in October; although Draco had a habit of taking over the entire project and completing it himself, she took it upon herself to slip him bits and pieces of her advice.

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