Chapter 2

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The Next Morning...

Light poured through open curtains, the sun's rays spilling over Winnie's face and causing her to groan.

"What time is it?"

"Time to get up." Clara answered, a grin on her face and her back to Winnie.

"Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure that I'm currently unemployed."

Clara spun around to face her friend, "I'm making pancakes."

Winnie sat up, "Do... do you have whipped cream?"

"Yes, yes I do."

The short brunette shot up and ran into the bathroom, the sound of a toothbrush turning on causing Clara to chuckle and shake her head.

"So... you want to talk about why you came to my door at midnight?"

"Erm... no?" Winnie somehow got out, her words jumbled up and slurred from brushing her teeth.

"Alright, if you say so." Clara shrugged, heading into the kitchen and getting the batter ready. She worked silently, eventually turning on the stove to start making their breakfast.

Winnie came out a few minutes later, cleaned up and hungry, "Thank you so... so much for letting me stay over for the night, Clara. And for not throwing out some of the stuff I kept here."

"Of course, Winnie. You're always welcome here."

"Also... I'm sorry that I just... I really don't want to talk about what happened." she said, sitting down at the counter across from Clara.

The blonde nodded her head, "It's fine, Winnie. I get it."

The room became quiet, the soft sizzling from the stove filling up the space. Winnie didn't know what to say, so she, instead, surveyed the apartment. Clara hadn't changed too many things. All of the furniture remained in their spots, a few photos had been added, and a few cardboard boxes sat in one corner by the doorway.

"So... uh, how're things going here?"

Clara tilted her head to the side, flipping one of the pancakes, "Yeah... yeah, it's fine. Good."

"What's it like? Working with Eddie?"

"It's been... good, yeah. He really loves your sister." she said, sliding the food onto plates for the two of them, "Any idea when the wedding is?"

"They haven't said anything about the wedding, yet." Winnie said, getting up and looking inside the cutlery drawer, only to find none there.

"Oh, I moved it to the other one. To the left of it?"

"Ah, I see it." she said, heading back to her seat.

Clara brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and sat down in the chair next to where Winnie was settling back into.

"You haven't changed much around here." Winnie said, commenting on her observations from earlier.

"Didn't have the heart to."

Winnie passed a fork and knife to Clara and the pair dug in, adding some maple syrup and whipped cream on their breakfast.

"I know that you're not really in the mood to talk about it, Winnie, but... why'd you really move back?"

Winnie stopped and put her fork down, "I... I-"

"No, sorry. I probably shouldn't have asked."

"I've felt like I've been stuck in this... rut for so long." Winnie said, everything wanting to spill out, "Things... haven't felt right, not for a long time and I'm just... being back here has made everything just come flooding back and I- I've felt so afraid to say anything, cause it's been a while and I should be over it, but..."

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