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It had been 6 months since Winnie left for Star City. 6 months since she'd last stepped foot in the place she'd grown up. And, 6 months since she'd last talked to Barry Allen, who never returned any of her calls anymore.

This was the reality Winnie was faced with as she drove herself back home.

During this time, she had stopped to fill up both her car and her stomach near a gas station and Big Belly Burger.

She laid a blanket on a nearby grassy hill, eating some of the fries she'd ordered. A grey husky was wandering around the area, staying close but, allowing for some room to explore this new environment.

"Frank! Make sure you come back soon, you've got to finish up your meal before we can continue!" she yelled out.

"Yeah, yeah. I already know, Winnie. I just want to find something to chase before I eat some more." the dog responded.

"Don't bother the other animals too much. You remember what happened last time, don't you?"

Frank just rolled his eyes, not paying attention to his owner any longer. She told him this every time, when all he wanted to do was play.

She rested her head back on the ground as she closed her eyes, feeling the breeze against her two toned skin.

Central City. She had so many great and beautiful memories there. Ones that would always stay with her. But now that name and place had been tarnished. Just the thought of it filled her with grief and pain.

Every time she thought of her home, she'd see his face. His blonde shaggy hair, the green of his eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Danny was gone and with him, her happiness. It had taken a few long months before Oliver helped her find her smile again and despite all of the time she'd spent, her recovery came with many other obstacles as well.

Her biggest was her heart. When she'd decided to move away from Central City, she'd never imagined that she wouldn't have Barry to help her along. After he'd managed to stop the black hole from sucking up the city, he was devastated to find out that Ronnie was gone, forever presumably. He had started to avoid eye contact and tried to get out of conversations whenever he had the chance. He seemed to shun Winnie the most, but after a while he just stayed away from anyone he could, losing touch with everyone in the process.

Winnie didn't know if that was his whole plan. If he was upset about Ronnie or angry at her for some unknown reason, but it hurt Winnie. It hurt her a lot.

Now, she had to head back to that vile place. A place that made her heart ache. A few weeks prior, she'd gotten a call from her dear friend, Mrs. Pemberton. Winnie's former boss, but both were close and preferred their friendship over their working relationship. Mrs. Pemberton had invited Winnie to her retirement party and Winnie, knowing how important this event was, had obviously accepted.

But when she began making plans and calling her father to inform him of her visit, she began to think long and hard. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe this would help her move on.

So, she packed up all her things, called up her boss, and rented a new apartment in Central City. She didn't have a job or any other plans but she knew she'd eventually figure it all out.

She said goodbye to everyone she was leaving behind: Oliver, Felicity, Dig, Laurel, and Thea. They were sad to say the least, but they all knew it was for the best. If Winnie wanted to get over all of her sadness, she had to confront the root of it face to face.

She remained hopeful though, having her closest family around her once again was sure to make her feel as close to normal as possible.

She stuck out her index finger, grazing the edge of the grass with the tip, feeling the life flow in and out of each blade. She stopped when she felt a different presence below the dirt and concentrated on it.

Slowly, she lifted her finger, higher and higher, a small stem began to protrude from the ground. It unfurled and grew until several white petals sprouted from the yellow center of pollen. She'd grown a wild daisy that stuck out of the grass, standing apart from the other nearby plants.

Unconsciously, she brought her hand up to her neck, rubbing the charm of her necklace.

"All right, I'm ready to go!" Frank said, startling her.

"Are you sure you did everything you need to?" Winnie questioned, standing up and placing her hands on her hips.

"Yep! I can't wait to see everyone..." He said as he rambled on about all the things he couldn't wait for.

Winnie listened intently as she gathered their things, packed them back up in her car, and the two continued their journey back to Central City.

She glanced to her right at the dog beside her, who had decided to stop talking and watch the cars pass by them.

"All right, Frank. Let's go home."


I want to note that I haven't seen season 4 of Arrow, but I do know that at the beginning of that season Oliver and Felicity are on vacation or something... so let's just pretend that doesn't happen here 😅👀


Are you guys as excited to start this as me? 

I can't wait! :)

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