Chapter 1

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Earlier That Day...

Barry walked into Star Labs just after defeating Captain Cold and Heatwave, a wide grin on his face as he clapped Cisco's hand in celebration.

"Two down at the same time, superhero double play, baby." Cisco exclaimed.

"Didn't do it alone." Barry said, referring to Firestorm, the combination of Ronnie and Stein.

Caitlin went next to him, "You're never alone, Barry."

"Neither are you, Mrs. Raymond." Ronnie said, making his way to his wife's side so he could kiss her in front of everyone.

"Oh, thank you for not doing that when I was inside you." Professor Stein said, sighing in relief.

"That still sounds so wrong." Danny laughed, patting Barry on the shoulder. "You did great, Bare."

"Thanks, Danny." Barry said to the blonde, turning around to see Joe behind him.

The man let out a deep chuckle and hugged him, "Snart and Rory, you're gonna put a cop like me out of a job."

"Just trying to help."

"You do more than help, Barry." Iris said, strutting over, "You give the people of this city hope."

That's when somebody placed a hand on his back, causing Barry to spin around and face them.

"You're the hero, Barry." Eddie smiled, moving out of the way as someone else stepped in front of him.

"You're my hero, Bare." Winnie smiled, stepping towards him. Barry placed his hands on her waist, leaning his head down until they were kissing, long and sweet.

She giggled as they stopped, resting their foreheads against each other. She whispered, "I love you."

"Congratulations-" A voice boomed behind them, breaking them out of their little bubble. Barry turned his head, still holding onto her as he looked at who it was. "-everyone, a spectacular victory."

Dr. Wells was sitting in his wheelchair, clapping his hands together. "A milestone, if you will. Mr. Allen, I believe there's nothing left I can teach you. I believe..."

He started to get up, Barry letting go of Winnie as he put all of his attention on the scientist.

"That you're ready to do all of this on your own."

Barry took a look around at the empty room, a frown on his face as he rubbed his wristwatch.

He was on his own and it wasn't his favourite thing in the world, but it was best if everyone stayed away from him. That was how it had been for six long months. He planned on keeping it that way.


That Afternoon...

Winnie stood in the elevator of the CCPD, shuffling her feet back and forth as she waited to get to the right floor. She tried her best to keep away the memories of making jokes and laughing in the building with Danny.

Finally, a ding sounded, signalling to her that she'd arrived. She stepped out into the lobby and searched for her dad.

"You are not getting a badge, Mr. Ramon." she heard the familiar stern tone of Captain Singh from the main office area.

When she looked at where she remembered her dad's desk being, she saw him and Cisco talking. She smiled and raced over, a remark from Cisco reaching her ears, "He's really stingy with those badges, isn't he?"

"I have a feeling that it's just you, Cisco."

"Winnie!" Cisco said, looking to his right to see the brunette coming up to his side.

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