Chapter 10

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Lyra's POV

It's dark and wet. I've been running through the woods for a while now and still have not gotten away from whatever is chasing me. I look over my shoulder to catch a glimpse, but every time I do all I see is blackness taking over. Im sure that I hear footsteps though! I keep moving forward hoping I can outrun this thing.

Suddenly I hear the footsteps pick up speed and come around to my right. Before I can dodge a body plows in to me, knocking me straight in to a tree with great force. When I look up I see it's Jeff with that black aura flaring around him like a wild fire, the monsters hiding inside coming out to play. Jeff was giving me an evil smile, his red eyes full of bloodlust. "You can't out run me Lyra. I'm better and faster than you." that deep demon voice was back. One of the snake like monsters slithered over to me and ran its tongue along my cheek. I cut its head off with the knife I just found on my side. There was a screech as the body slithered back to Jeff. It hovered beside him as he babes it? "Oh look what you have done. You hurt my little monster! I call them Nemons(Ne-mons). They are very helpful little creatures... Especially for catching run away victims." Jeff said as one of the Nemons shot over and but my shoulder. Within seconds I was paralyzed. Jeff crouched down in front of me, I could feel that evil aura coming off him in waves and it was getting unbearable. "Give it another month Lyra... and you all will be dead." the demon voice, Devon, said before a nemon struck me.

*GASP* I jump up in bed covered in sweat, breathing heavily. It was only a dream? Yeah but that dream was telling me about the future. Devon planned to kill us that was no surprise, but why did he need Jeff to do it? I have to tell Jeff... but he probably already knows what is happening.

I walk downstairs to see my dad, mom, Masky, Hoodie, Jeff, and BEN all geared up for some reason. "Where are yall going?" I ask confused. "We have a long mission Zalgo is sending us on and Lilith is having to go help him out in the Under Realm." Jeff said. I don't like this idea especially with how weird Jeff has been acting along with not having immortality anymore. Me and Ronnie look at each other nervously as we try to talk to them.

"Guys we gotta go!" My mom groans. We finally nod as we let them go. I watch with fear and anxiety holding tight to my heart, please come home okay... "Come on let's go play some video games to get our minds off them." Ronnie said softly fearing for them himself. This is going to be rough for me. I don't want anything to happen to any of them especially with whatever is holding onto Jeff.

~~~Sorry this is all I have for now after this long delay! Please forgive me! School is grinding on me this semester and I'll try to get back to updating! Thank you to everyone that has suddenly blown up my notifications and are liking my other stories! I really appreciate it! As for now GasMask out!~~~

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